February 6, 2015

Creative Ways to Recharge your tarot cards photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.
Creative Ways to Recharge your tarot cards photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.

Tarot cards are magickal tools, and they are ones that by their nature frequently get touched and used by others. This means the need to cleanse them occasionally is great. I’ve been reading Tarot cards professionally for over two decades and I still make a point to cleanse my cards and my ritual reading space daily. The following is a list of creative and easy methods you can use to accomplish this.

  1. Knock 3 times– You may have seen your Tarot reader do this before they start. Most people tap the deck twice on top, then once on the bottom. In a way this is representative of asking to enter the psychic world, the knocking serves as a petition for insight and guidance.
  2. Put the cards back in numerical order– Reorganize the cards so that the go from 0-21 in the Major Arcana, and then follow with the individual suits. Fire, Water, Air and Earth is usually the way people order these, but feel free to organize it differently if you so desire. This step is very important to some readers, and others could care less. As always, see what works best for you and your cards.
  3. Bury the Cards. This is easier said then done if you have a yard or other area to bury them. Apartment or Boat dwellers do not fear however, the same earthy cleansing can performed with a little creativity and a few materials. Get a large pot, wrap your cards in a clean natural fabric like cotton, and then place into a ziplock bag. Put the cards in the bottom of the pot and cover them with dirt. Leave outside overnight. Dig up your new and improved deck the next morning.
  4. Salt the Cards– Sea Salt, Black Salt, Pink Salt… most salts are great for removing negativity, getting rid of
    Salted Tarot photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.
    Salted Tarot photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.

    unwanted energy and grounding. One idea is to wrap your cards in cloth and a bag, like the dirt instructions in number 3 and then cover the entire thing with salt. Another idea would be to put salt water in a spray bottle and spray around the outside of the cards in a counterclockwise circle. You could also simply make a circle of salt around the cards (see photo.) A pinch of salt in your tarot bag would also accomplish the same results.

  5. Sleep with your cards under your pillow – This is a two part process. Before taking the cards to bed, cleanse them with salt, Florida water, Palo Santo smoke or other magickal process. Then wrap then in a natural fabric white cloth and place them under your pillow. This will help to re-attune your energies to the cards. People have accused me of being a little bizarre ( just a little) when offering this suggestion, but it can be a very effective way of connecting with your Tarot deck. Try it, you might like it !

There are many other ways of cleansing your cards, crystals, altars, smoke and more. I would love to hear your favorites in the comments below. For those who would like more information about a Tarot reading from me please message me at voodoouniverse@yahoo.com and New Yorkers please check out my tarot workshop Sunday Feb 8 at Esoterico Brooklyn. Happy Blessings !

January 14, 2015

Palo Santo Burn photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Palo Santo Burn photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

If there is one botanical everyone should have it’s Palo Santo. It has both spiritual and scientific uses. The first time I experienced the exotic and powerful scent was over two decades ago. The room was dimly lit, my breathing was slow and relaxed. My friend, an accomplished shamanic practitioner lit the sacred smoke. It was unusual, like nothing I was familiar with. She told me this was a standard practice in Central and South American Shamanism, she had learned it’s secrets from her teachers. Now she used it almost daily in her healing practice. Over the years I gratefully became more acquainted with this marvelous plant.

In Santeria, more properly known as La Regla Lucumi, Palo Santo sticks are used almost as frequently as Florida Water cologne and for many of the same purposes- blessing, removal of negativity, attention to the divine. It is required as a specific offering for many different Orisha or deities. I often recommend it to people of all Spiritual traditions who are using sage for group rituals and blessings because it does not cause the same issues for pregnant or nursing mothers. This is the smoke of our ancestors, and we would be wise to keep using it today.

The smoke is  known to turn darker when it encounters negativity. When lighting walk slowly throughout the space. Move through corners, around windows and doorways. Pay attention to the color of the smoke, this can be a signal that you may need to perform extra cleansings, such as lighting a white candle or using a blessing floorwash.

Palo Santo Trees photo by Sara Yeomans. Licensed under CC 2.0
Palo Santo Trees photo by Sara Yeomans. Licensed under CC 2.0

It always makes me smile when science proves traditional botanicals as genuine. Palo Santo’s great powers of protection and banishing also have been proven to include repelling mosquitoes, ticks, bed bugs and moths. The botanical species (Bursera graveolens) is related to the sacred herb Frankincense, but it is native to Peru and Ecuador. Is there anyone who doesn’t know about this yet…, even Fox News is writing about Palo Santo and it’s possible use in cancer treatment.

From the standpoint of aromatherapy the scent is known to remove pain and re-balance one’s emotional state. Burning the dried herb is the most popular method of use, but Palo Santo is also available as an oil. Consider adding this to a cleansing bath or sacred floorwash. If you haven’t used this yet, I highly recommend trying it soon. It adds another level of psychic blessing to your space, it elevates the vibrations of the user, and brings you closer to the divine.




January 2, 2015

Vrouwe Fortuna photo by **AB**. Text added. Licensed under CC 2.0
Vrouwe Fortuna photo by **AB**. Text added. Licensed under CC 2.0

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh go hand in hand with the holidays. They were said to have been the original gifts for the Christ Child, and they are still quite useful today … especially the Gold. Before Gold was a gift for a child, it was an offering worthy of the Goddess.

In the Roman pantheon Gold was the realm of the Goddess Fortuna. Emperors were said to keep gold statues of this goddess in their homes to bring them success and wealth. June 24- Midsummer was said to be Fortuna’s sacred day. Ritual Fires were burned and offerings were made. For modern day inspiration dailywicca.com features an interesting Fortuna candle spell with an invocation for luck and fortune.

The ancient Greeks venerated the golden goddess Theia. She possessed sacred sight and was known for her oracluar prowess, as well as her gift of bestowing gold on her patrons. Her otherworldly sight was said to be part of the power of the sun, use the following money spell to bring the gift of financial sunshine into your life.

Theia Sunshine Gold Candle


1 Yellow or Gold Seven day pullout candle

Gold glitter

Gold leaf (if possible or shredded dollar bill)

Small piece of pyrite

Gold and Silver Oil ( use recipe below )

3 drops Heliotrope oil


Carve a sun, or other sacred symbol for money and attraction on your candle. This can be as simple as a dollar sign or as complicated as you would like to make it. Anoint with oil then rub with glitter and gold leaf. Place pyrite and a small amount of river water in the bottom of the glass. Place the candle inside the glass. Make the sign of the crossroads in the air with the candle then light on the full moon. For safety sake please never leave a burning candle unattended.


Oshun shrine candle photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Oshun shrine candle photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

The La Regla Lucumi tradition, also known as Santeria, the Orisha Oshun is the energy, the embodiment of gold. She is the queen of it’s glittery goodness and it falls sweetly from her divine hips. Some believe her to be much more than a Goddess… she is a ruling force of the Universe. Either of the following spells can be used to connect with her and improve your chances of drawing wealth and success.

Silver and Gold Oil Recipe

Silver and gold are universal currencies. In Santeria, also more properly known as La Regla Lucumi, there is a popular formula to increase wealth called Oro y Plata. It includes both Old and New World ingredients to maximize your financial health. This Silver and Gold Oil recipe can be used to anoint candles, added to a bath, or worn to bring about financial success. Use the oil to anoint your hands and feet before going out to shop, anoint your wallet, a blank check made out to yourself and/or rub on prosperity candles and burn for added effectiveness.



Gold and Silver glitter

6 drops Orange oil

6 drops Cinnamon oil

1 drop Clove oil

Sweet almond oil for base

Combine all ingredients in a small bottle and shake to combine while you focus you thoughts on bringing success into your life.


Oshun Bath

Pinch of Cinnamon

Pinch of Nutmeg

1 ounce Rose Water

1 ounce Florida Water

1 ounce River Water

Combine all ingredients together and mix well. Add to bath designed to honor this Orisha of love, money and gold.


55 Ways to Connect to Goddess by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

For more ways on connecting to these deities please check out my 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess.

Many blessings to you in the New Year, and if you enjoyed what you have read here please remember to share the pages and spread the wealth!




April 11, 2014

Legba veve in the cemetery. Photo by Lilith Dorsey

Questions to ask yourself


Are you sure you have the time, energy, and dedication to enter this tradition?

Very often I meet people who tell me they don’t have the time necessary to devote to Santeria/ Lucumi or Voodoo. My response is usually “do you have the time to devote to bettering your life?” For example, I knew a woman once whose son suffered from severe autism, with frequently violent episodes. As he got older the fights she had trying to restrain him got more and more difficult until  finally her bones and teeth started to get broken. It took her awhile to approach me, even in these desperate circumstances. I’m not sure if she was scared of Voodoo, or of what she might have to do in order to help her son. Most of the solutions I come up with for people are on the lesser side of extreme, of course it depends on the situation. But for this woman the first thing we did was give her a reading, there are always a lot of external and internal factors at play in every situation, and a reading is the best way to begin to identify these. We ended up creating a series of healing and calming baths for her son, and the situation improved. In my experience, if given a choice,  praying, creating and healing is a much better way to spend my time than fighting, hiding, and bandaging my wounds.

What are you doing to better understand and help the community ?

Santera :: de lejitos photo by Ximena San Martin. Photo cropped by author. Licensed under CC 2.0

When I first started writing and lecturing on Voodoo and Santeria over two decades ago, people would often ask me how to find a godparent. I’m not in the habit of really recommending anyone outside my own spiritual family, and that is because I have known them for a long time and experienced them in a variety of interesting spiritual situations. I know how they will react in an emergency: be it fire, flood, or lunatic, and because of that I trust them. Some of the responses to the first part of this post 6 Questions You Need to Ask Before Finding Godparents in Santeria or Voodoo, many people (some of my own godchildren included) responded that they really got the chance to know, observe, respect, and love their godparents before they started their initiations. Go to open Bembes, Tambors, and other ceremonies. Do your best to respectfully observe, learn, and participate in the traditions. Even helping to clean up after a ceremony is a divine act of service that will bring you closer to the religion.

What are you doing magickally to help the process ?

Legba by Bart Everson licensed under CC 2.0

There are lots of simple things you can do to help guide you in the proper direction, even if you have not started your initiations. You can always get a reading. That’s a given. There is an interesting thread on tribe.net, which describes one person’s journey towards godparents involving divination.

If you are wishing to study New Orleans Voodoo or Haitian Vodou one idea would be to draw the veve for Papa Legba. He is the Loa/Lwa of the crossroads, doors, gates, and openings. Now let me be clear about something, if you are not initiated, you are not petitioning Legba, invoking Legba, or anything like that. Instead you are opening you energy up to his guiding influence, which will hopefully lead you towards your proper teacher. Feel free to leave an offering before and/or after the working. Appropriate offerings are Coffee, cigars or you could choose a recipe from my African-American Ritual Cookbook.

Perhaps you are drawn to Santeria, more correctly known as La Regla Lucumi, for genetic or intuitive reasons. In this case my advice would be to go to a botanica and obtain florida water, an Eleggua candle, and an Ochosi candle. Eleggua is the trickster spirit of the crossroads, pointing you towards your proper path. Cleanse yourself with the Florida water. Then on a monday light the Eleggua candle for three hours, do not leave a burning candle unattended. Then the next morning take the candle and dispose of it at a crossroads. Then light the Ochosi candle, meditate on finding clarity and the proper direction on your journey. This can be lit for a few hours at a time until you begin to see inroads to your success. Good luck, keep an open mind and a positive attitude.

February 23, 2014

Lilith Dorsey Double Zombie photo by Don Waterhawk.

There are definitely some practical tips and some special Voodoo secrets for surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. Many of you know I’m way down in New Orleans celebrating Carnival time. Tonight I will be reading Voodoo tarot cards and Walking Dead Zombie watching at Snake and Jake’s Christmas Club lounge. So in honor of that here are some lessons from a Voodoo Priestess on Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.

Disclaimer: I’ve discussed in depth how voodoo is related to Zombies in only the most remote of ways. The actual zombies of Haitian folklore were actually under the influence of various herbs and chemicals that produced temporary paralysis, memory loss, and disorientation. The following is a list of practical advice, most of which applies to life as a whole, not just Zombie attack. For more information on Real zombies in Haitian Vodou check out my film:

Lessons From A Voodoo Priestess on Surviving A Zombie Apocalypse

  • Baby Wipes. You will thank me, there is never not a reason to have baby wipes. Magickally you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil for protection, the oil is also a good anti-bacterial, not saying it would stop your face from falling off if you became infected with the zombie pox, but you could try.
  • Get Help ! If film, television, folklore and magick have taught us nothing else it’s that we ain’t in this alone. Get Woody Harrelson, a voodoo priestess, Jaime from Mythbusters, Michonne from the Walking Dead, inversely you could choose to keep your enemies closer, and keep a couple around to trip in case of a dangerous situation.
  •  Don’t turn your back on your enemy! This is Voodoo protection , Sicilian practice, and overall great advice. Florida water is also great for protection, against Zombies or whatever else the world throws at you.
  • Choose your weapons wisely.Didn’t anyone ever tell you Home is where the hatchet is! Lizzie Borden knew it and you should too.

    Lizzie Borden Gift Shop by Jim McIntosh. Licensed under CC 2.0

  • Animals :Maybe too familiar??? This is a difficult area, many of us as pagans have animals as familiars (spirit companions that we work with, think Harry Potter and the owl.) Under normal circumstances animals are great for your magick, your health, your life, however the Walking Dead and other zombie themed media have shown us that animals may not be immune to zombification. Pet at your own risk.
  • Suit up. Make sure nothing vulnerable is exposed, and that you have adequate clothing. You could choose to cover yourself with Voodoo Veves or other protection symbols like runes, again couldn’t hurt.
  • Know your knots. Boy scouts, and kinky folks will definitely have the advantage when the apocalypse comes. Zombies and foes will need to be quickly and easily neutralized.
  • Don’t be a jerk. Payback is a bitch. Taunting zombies always seems to turn out poorly.
  • Wear protection, don’t have sex, especially don’t get pregnant. If there are freaking Zombies around, chances are your life is a horror movie and you know what happens to people who have sex in horror movies.


Inverted Zombie Walk photo by Gamma Man. Licensed under CC 2.0

Voodoo-Influenced Zombie Survival kit  Include twinkies, hot Voodoo Zaps, pudding … even better than brains, I’ve already mentioned lavender oil, and florida water. What would you add to the list ?


Thanks for laughing, I hope, and keep coming back, I don’t bite, yet.

February 20, 2014

untitled photo by !paco! Text added. Licensed by CC 2.0

Love, what other meaning does life need to exist? Do we need to exist?  It begets our greatest of accomplishments and forgives our deepest shortcomings.  As the oxygen of our spirits it pumps through our divine anatomy, and in the anatomy of the divine it is Erzulie that is the heart.  A heart that breaks for our transgressions towards each other, that hardens in the face of injustice, and quickens when enraged.  As we study the rhythms of the heart we begin to learn the many faces of Erzulie.

Erzulie is the name of the Haitian Vodou love spirit and one of the New Orleans Voodoo love and healing spirits.  And just as there are many kinds of love, there are many manifestations of this Lwa.

Erzulie Freda Dahomey: Tears for Humanity

One of the most popular manifestations of Erzulie is Erzulie Freda Dahomey.  This Lwa is the wife of several Lwa and is Love in its purest form.  So pure is this love for spirit and humanity that Erzulie Freda Dahomey is never seen not crying. She is disappointed in humans for not loving her as much as she loves us.  For not loving each other as she much loves us.  For not loving ourselves as much as she loves us.  It is through the catharsis of Erzulie’s tears we baptize our eyes to see the love within and without of us, and to heal through past emotional trauma.  She is syncretized with Mater Dolorosa and her favorite color is pink and light blue, her favorite number is 7 and she loves champagne and pastries.  One exercise that I do to help heal or just to lift my spirits: Take a rose quartz crystal and lay it on your heart area. Breathe in and out, on the in breaths focus on the love of the divine, your friends and family entering you, and on the out breaths let go of the baggage and traumas of your past as you make more room to love.  Do not hold back any tears, cry if you must, simply because you must, and you are allowed to.  In a clean bowl place your Heart crystal and bathe it with equal parts Florida water and waterfall/river bank water (Both carry the ashe of Erzulie), and 7 drops of carnation (or other healing herb if you have one particularly good for you).  Repeat for seven days or once a week for as you need and leave the crystal at a waterfall or riverbank knowing that you are loved.

Many Manifestations

Among the other Erzulie manifestations are: Erzulie Ge Rouge, the red eyed Erzulie who will not simply cry but fight back with the rage and fury of the wronged lover;  Erzulie Dantor a powerful protective spirit that fights for the ones she loves and will suffer no fools; Erzulie Blanc a peaceful and gentle Erzulie of bliss; and Erzulie Belle Femme the Erzulie of beauty and attraction.  There are as many Erzulie manifestations as there are names for love in each language, and then another for a love we cannot even imagine.


Tehron Gillis, slam poet and writer.

Tehron is a Westchester based slam poet and writer, is a voodoo initiate and rootworker. Practicing magic and tarot for over a decade, Tehron works towards exploring LGBTQ and ethnic themes in the craft.

January 15, 2014

This is the latest video in our Fire Fire Fireside Chats series. I gave a workshop this weekend for my godchildren and this is the magickal recipe we made for Three Kings oil and instructions for a simple Florida Water blessing. The Three Kings blend is said to bring about a speedy change in fortune and heal emotional trauma. Because it is associated with the Epiphany this could also be used for the Haitian Vodou spirit Simbi. Please let me know what you think, and if you like check out the other Fire Fire Fireside chats on youtube.

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