October 6, 2014

The ancestors are, by definition responsible for our own creation. In turn in the traditions of New Orleans Voodoo and Haitian Vodou we continue to create in honor of them. These creations can be in the form of song, dance, food, or more traditional artistic offerings such as Voodoo flags, also known as drapo. Read more

October 3, 2014

There are thousands of tarot and oracle decks in existence today, will more being created every day. There are decks based on Pulp Fiction, Fairies, Dragons, and Goddesses. You can find your way with cards inspired by Victorians, Steampunks, Masons, and a whole host of others. Read more

October 1, 2014

Honoring and recognizing the Ancestors comes first, last, and always in African Traditional Religions. Read more

September 30, 2014

Now I place the traditions of Voodoo, Lucumi and Vodou under the umbrella of Pagan religion because they are, at their core, earth-based religions. They are centered around worshiping the Ashe, or spiritual energy, of fire, the clouds, the river, the crossroads, the ancestors in the earth. Very often when I do spellwork for people it involves them travelling to one of these places in nature. Read more

September 25, 2014

I'd love to tell you Voodoo spells were cheap and easy. Think for a minute however, when was the last time something you did that was cheap and easy brought you satisfaction or success? Read more

September 22, 2014

I received a promotional keychain from the Bacardi company some years back that even spoke of the bat as “ the emblem of mystical power and good fortune.” Read more

September 19, 2014

New Orleans Voodoo and Haitian Vodou are the Frankenstein monsters of religions. People love to point fingers, sticks, and flaming torches at that which they have created, yet tragically don't understand. Read more

September 17, 2014

Babalu Aye is an Orisha, or demi-god, in the religion of Santeria, more properly known as La Regla Lucumi. Most people, however, only recognize the words as those of the popular television character Ricky Ricardo, played by Desi Arnaz on I Love Lucy, one of the most famous shows of all time. Read more

September 13, 2014

It seems after her unfortunate death her remains were placed in a cave in Gheel, when the people of the town went to remove them some years later it a white tomb had appeared, inside her coffin was a red tile which said “ Here lies the holy virgin and martyr, Dymphna.” Read more

September 9, 2014

There were some wildly successful posts, usually having to do with American Horror Story Coven or Orange is the New Black, and some that didn't get the notice they deserve. So I'm going to take this opportunity to sift through 169 pearls of online wisdom and give you Lilith's Top Ten Posts You Might Have Missed. Read more

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