September 8, 2014

Foremost she is an Orisha or Goddess of Water, the sacred embodiment of the river. Very often she is represented by statues of Caridad del Cobre, Our Lady of Copper, whose feast day is celebrated on September 8th. Read more

September 6, 2014

Yemaya is an Orisha, a mother goddess, a goddess of the sea. For many she is also a goddess of the moon. Read more

September 5, 2014

Now I could walk around with a sign saying this person with no initiations and no proper education might not be the best person to sign your spirituality over to, but I would need quite a few signs and I'd appear even more strange than I probably already do as your friendly neighborhood Voodoo priestess. Read more

September 1, 2014

You can be a Christian, Pagan or even an Atheist and still create a vision board. The possibilities are endless. The instructions below are technically for a vision board hanging, between you and me, I was bored with the board. Read more

August 31, 2014

Sango is a king, a god, a warrior. This year's World Sango festival was held in Oyo Nigeria on August 21-30. Created to celebrate African cultural heritage, the event features performances from different Orisha worshiping groups from around the globe. Read more

August 29, 2014

I am proud and humbled at the amazing information that has unfolded in this Divination Space Station series, if you missed any of it please take some time to check it out now. One of the things that amazes me about divination is that there is always something more to learn. Read more

August 24, 2014

Tea leaf reading has stolen the historic spotlight here, and most people are unaware of coffee divination as a magickal system. Reading coffee grounds, tea leaves and the like is officially called Tasseography. Read more

August 20, 2014

Some know the sacred energy of the volcano as Vulcan, Pele, Konohana Sakuya Hime, or Chaifi, but in the Afro-Caribbean religion of Lucumi (Santeria) this divine mix of fire and earth is the domain of Agayu. Read more

August 17, 2014

Isis is representative of beauty, love, abundance, marriage, fertility, healing, the power of the Moon and of the Afterlife. I almost want to write that she is the Goddess of everything, because she almost is. Read more

August 16, 2014

Greetings Voodoo Universe Readers ! I'd like to announce my new book 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess. Here's a little sample, and a weird book trailer !!! Read more

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