December 26, 2019

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November 24, 2019

The following ia a letter from Congolese writer/director Paradis Mananga. Dear Sir, I am a Congolese screenwriter/director currently in Montreal, Canada preparing to make my first feature film.  Several of my colleagues have already made feature films and have won awards in film festivals throughout the world. We Congolese are happy to note your interest in telling the story about the difficult history of our country under the Belgian King Leopold 2.  We are pleased that you wish to make... Read more

October 6, 2019

Some forty years ago, I was talking to an excellent LDS filmmaker who told me the one film he dreamed of making would be set in Liberty Jail. But he didn’t want it sugar-coated. He didn’t want a Clark Gable prophet with fresh make-up reciting a prayer like a Shakespearean soliloquy at The Globe. He wanted the smells, the filth, the vermin, the bugs of that dungeon and the prisoners sleep-deprived and on edge. He wanted movie-goers to really feel... Read more

June 20, 2019

The Real Elder Price The “Real” Elder Price, Part 1: The Missionary Training Center My husband and I spent two years in an MTC branch — where we met the “real” Elder Price and various “Mormon boys” on the first day of their missions. By Margaret Blair Young, December 08, 2011 Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of essays that examines the real world of Mormon missionaries and the real Elder Price. Read the author’s Introduction. The... Read more

January 5, 2019

The first time I met Eric Huntsman was at dialysis.  I was with my father, who was lifting himself  from his wheelchair to be weighed after a four-hour dialysis session. Eric introduced himself.  He was at dialysis with his mother, Marilyn, a woman of regal bearing and beauty who was fighting through the last year of her life, with failed kidneys. When I first met Marilyn, she was in shock because the person in the dialysis chair next to hers... Read more

December 9, 2018

The link to this inteview is here When I recorded this interview with Terryl, I knew that I was being divinely led on some productive adventures in Africa.  I knew I was making a film, though my original vision of what that film would be and who I would make it with were being re-shaped even as I spoke with Terryl. As I write this today, December 9, 2018, the film has become a truly African film and my place... Read more

November 26, 2018

These are the kinds of people I look for when I want to do something good.  I want to support people who are genuinely selfless and skilled in lifting others up.  The two men (and their teams) which my team and I are working with currently are: Abbe Veron Okavu in Lodja, DR-Congo.  He received a 60,000. euro prize for his brilliant dissertation back in 1997 and used it to build schools in his hometown, Lodja.  He was a professor... Read more

November 25, 2018

I am writing this in the master bedroom–a term distinctly first world.  The idea of a bedroom with beds, let alone a MASTER bedroom (meaning that it’s not the only one), would astound many if not most people in the world. Many of us have felt drawn to  the poor and homeless (particularly to the thousands of refugees at this time in our world history) as part of our religious life.  As a Latter-day Saint (Christian), I have been intensely... Read more

November 24, 2018

This shower game is specifically for people with some scientific or literary background, though it can be played by anyone.  Each assignment is for ONE guest. They have fifteen minutes to complete the assignment, and then they share.       ASSIGNMENTS: Write a rap song including these words Bride Wedding Plans Engaged Rings Honeymoon Dress Rose Bouquet   Choose a song which describes the bride and sing it for us.   Write a nursery rhyme which describes the bride... Read more

November 19, 2018

  Congo Rising (  is now a 501c3 company. Here’s our first fundraiser as a 501c3! We focus on: SANITATION (compost toilets and hand-washing units.Compost is for use in tree groves.) ORAL HISTORIES AS LIBRARIES in a place with few books and no libraries. (The oral history center will be set up in cyber-cafes which the students will establish. Cyber cafes pay for their education.) We hire students to build, man, and maintain the sanitation stations and the cyber cafes,... Read more

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