September 19, 2017

Mabon is a Witch's Thanksgiving! Here is a family-style ritual to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox around the dining room table. Read more

September 5, 2017

Are you a witch riding the wild and irrational conversation-coaster with Evangelicals? Here are some thoughts on how to approach these difficult topics. Read more

September 1, 2017

I feel the autumn season approaching, and I suddenly yearn for fuzzy sweaters, chill air, and comfort foods. For me, pasta is one of those comforts, and this recipe is one of my favorites come Mabontides. Read more

August 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is powerful, but so are we. Let's harness our collective magickal might against flood damage along the Gulf Coast of Texas. Witches FLY! Priests and Priestesses ARISE! Join me now in the working of this spell. Read more

August 28, 2017

For the first time in nearly nine years in business, our Witchcraft shop attracted the attention of not ONE, but TWO sidewalk-variety, preach-at-'em, "Christian" evangelists, and the whole thing was caught on video! Read more

August 21, 2017

I'll call it Broke-Bitch Gourmet for days when I needed to turn tap water, a bag of reeeallly old onions that have seen a much better day, refrigerator remnants, and average condiments into something absofreakinglutely delicious. Read more

August 17, 2017

Due to the God Pluto once losing to me in a game of gin rummy, I can have enlightenment or material riches, but not both. I may not have made the right choice; thus, my application for this position. Read more

August 12, 2017

Protection warding can be dialed up or down to be as simple or complex as you choose, and customized to your particular practice. Read more

August 6, 2017

Yesterday we celebrated Lughnassadh and had a blast! Hint: it wasn't solely the ritual that made it a good sabbat. Here are the highlights of a great coven gathering! Read more

August 3, 2017

Consider this: When the scientist studies the universe, they could be a manifest form of Deity, turning a mirror back upon itself, defining their own nature. Science would then be the self-exploration of “God.” Wrap your head around that! Read more

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