May 6, 2019

I've been thinking a lot about my priorities lately. I tell myself that this investment as a witchcraft writer is a valuable contribution. But then Patheos Pagan discovers another website plagiarizing our work. What are your values and priorities, witching community? Read more

May 3, 2019

So, you think you want to open your very own retail shop of witchy wonders, pagan romance and magickal whimsy? OK! How does one go about getting those doors open here in the rigged business of commerce in America? Here are 13 steps with my advice for what worked (and didn't work) for me. Read more

April 24, 2019

This Grand Compass is my magickal tool for drawing gigantic visible circles on the earth, that will later represent the casting of my Spiritual temple. This hand-made contraption is one of my most valuable tools of the Witching trade, bar none. This is how I made mine, and how I decorate the edge after it is cast. Read more

April 19, 2019

For all your Beltane celebration needs, I offer this index of my articles on the thealogy and practices of this sabbat, including rituals, craft projects and planning for Maypole dances. Read on for sexy poems, silly songs, and my recipes for aphrodisiacs and tasty feast dishes. Read more

April 15, 2019

With this Aries/Libra blue moon magick on Thursday, April 18th 2019, I intend to work for a destruction of the systemic impediments to equilibrium, so that through wise governance, we can rebuild a powerful and compassionate society that is sustainable for everyone, including Mother Earth. Read more

April 8, 2019

For the most part, witches are law-abiding, peaceful folk, just healing and loving and living our best life. So, I'd like to say that we pose no threat to our mostly-Christian neighbors. However, there are at least 13 totally legit reasons to at least resent the hell out of us. Read more

April 5, 2019

New witches ask me how they'll know what new name they should take at their initiation, and also how one finds their Spirit Animal guide. For me, it was Great Blue Heron, and both revelations happened at once. This is my story... Read more

March 27, 2019

During those first eight relatively hopeful Obama years, our Witchy business quietly grew, yet still struggled financially. Then suddenly these last two years of the Trump Administration our sales tripled! So, what changed? I think it is because of the anxiety bred by the Trump Administration, the boldness of Evangelicals, and the availability of CBD products from hemp...among other things. Read more

March 18, 2019

I had my marching orders to help heal society and the earth through Divine Love. But how? The day after my burning bush moment, a new door was opened for me. It was there I discovered I could use my special blend of clairvoyance and Reiki to heal and retrieve information about past lives throughout time. This is the tale of how I figured out how to do that. Read more

March 14, 2019

Occasionally, the gods talk to me...I call these my “burning bush” moments. They are few and far between, but are pretty low-key events when they happen. However, this one time, I'd traveled a very long distance on a kind of Spiritual Pilgrimage. It was an epic quest, just like in the mythologies of old. Read more

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