December 18, 2013

I wrote a small, well received book called, “The Book Of Light: The Heart Opening”, and when the book came out, I had the wonderful opportunity of going on a PR tour on radio and TV. The book is only 66 pages, but that is enough. About 90% of the shows hosts apologized to me at the top of the show, “David forgive me.” I would respond curiously, “Why?”, then they would explain, “Well I am use to receiving 200... Read more

December 17, 2013

I remember attending a service one Sunday at Agape International Spiritual Center, and listening to a sermon by Dr. Michael Beckwith. In his talk he talked about forgiveness and broke it down like this, “Forgiveness means thank you for-giving me this”. So what I learned from that, was first and foremost we are here to learn. It can be difficult to learn if our minds are congested with the disease of needing to be right. Needing to make others wrong... Read more

December 16, 2013

There is a movement happening on this planet can you feel it?  It is happening here in Los Angeles, to New York, to Turkey, Canada, Europe, China, and Belgium. It is a revolution.  A revolution you say? Where? What? There are people who have decided because of circumstances, unhappiness, misery, struggle, pain that this conditioned way of living is no longer possible. There must be another way.  This way only takes one thing, you to decide. You don’t need assurance,... Read more

December 15, 2013

Heart I remember when it felt like a thousand pieces of my heart lay shattered among the memories of the broken. It was then I started to pick up the mess. Then I just stopped, I felt tired of picking up the pieces and trying to reorganize the mess. So I laid down among the thousand pieces of my heart, realizing that this was where I must start. The cuts were deep, the wounds many, and the heart felt raw,... Read more

December 12, 2013

I appreciate everyone who reads the Naked Mystic. I have been receiving emails lately, with some good questions.  So I felt like opening the door to questions. If you would like to send a question to me, I would be happy to answer them. Please address all questions, SUBJECT LINE: Naked Mystic in case it goes to spam. Ask a question and I will answer it and post it here. email: 1. “David where are you speaking next?” Thank... Read more

December 12, 2013

I was on a talk show recently, and the host brought up purpose, making the suggestion that most people are searching for their purpose, that thing that brings them happiness.  I listened, and as she continued, I closed my eyes and listened within, and then responded, “Be here, that’s it.” There was a little bit of silence, and then, “Be here? No perhaps you are not hearing me correctly…” So she repeated the story of our purpose, I smiled on... Read more

December 11, 2013

Change is the currency of love. The current that flows from the universe through each of us.  As the current flows with ease, it appears to be blocked by the energetic weather of the mind. The mind appears at first glance to just be a constant storm, it changes upon the conditions it sees outside.  Sometimes the weather is dark and sometimes the weather is clear, but the sun and moon continue to shine. Imagine arriving at a still lake,... Read more

December 10, 2013

Before work this morning, I awoke for a morning hike. It was 39 degree’s. There are wonderful trails by the Griffith Observatory, and one in particular I love to hike, it ends in a look out over Los Angeles which I love to meditate at. This morning took me off the path. As I was walking I noticed a woman coming down from another trail, my curiosity chose to discover this new trail. As I continued to climb higher and... Read more

December 9, 2013

We make God extraordinary, big, and daunting. In meditation we discover that God is found in service to each other. Find God? Help others. Friend crying, you are meeting God. Friend needs food, feed God.  Friend needs a hug, meet God. Everywhere we go we meet God. In all kinds of physical forms, but all with a heart.  Yes it is tough sometimes, but in meeting each other, we are meeting God. God is simple. Today I was working and... Read more

December 6, 2013

This morning I was struck by a parent who spoke at my daughter’s school. He grabbed the microphone and brought up Nelson Mandela with the kids and adults. As he spoke he began to hold back his tears, “Ask your parents about him kids, Nelson Mandela spoke to us about self-respect, dignity, peace, and living together.” Then the parent put the microphone down, and the kids sang, “Lean On Me.”  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house this morning.... Read more

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