Your Chance to Save Lange's Commentary for Future Generations

Your Chance to Save Lange's Commentary for Future Generations June 1, 2007

I got the following in an email from Logos. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this work and ensuring it is passed down to future generations who will increasingly use only electronic books, now is your chance. It could be a good investment of $200.

Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures is one of the most passionately requested titles we have had in a long time. Unfortunately with 24 oversized volumes coming in at almost 14,000 pages of commentary — its size makes it very costly for us to produce a Logos edition.

We already have a lot of interest, and hundreds of orders, yet we are still trying to break even on production costs alone just to push this title into production.

“The volumes greatly differ in excellence, yet none could be spared. We have nothing equal to them as a series.”
— C. H. Spurgeon

This 19th century commentary has served as a standard reference for more than a century. The original work was edited by Peter Lange in Germany (1864-1880). Phillip Schaff supervised the English translation and contributed substantially to the American edition, which runs to some 13,600 pages. Many early reviewers regarded Schaff’s edition with his additional material as superior to the original.

“It promises to be a complete and useful Commentary and will prove especially valuable to ministers. It contains critical annotations of the text and its translation, and a threefold commentary, exegetical, doctrinal, and homiletical. Under these three heads the text is viewed under every aspect. It forms almost an exegetical library by itself.” — The New Englander, Volume 23, 1864, p. 543.

This commentary series appears on recommended book lists to this day (e.g., the Master’s Seminary 850 Books for Biblical Expositors) but is out of print and quite difficult to find as a complete set. The Logos edition will offer all the benefits of searching, copy-and-pasting, linked Bible references, and synchronous scrolling with whatever Bible you may own.

“… we unhesitatingly commend the Commentary of Dr. Lange, which is, in brief, a vast reservoir in which is collected an immense amount of material for the use of students and all intelligent, educated Christians.” — Putnam’s Magazine

Used, print copies of Lange’s commentary average around $20 per volume, which means you could piece together a full 24-volume set for approximately $450.00. The Logos edition will give you the set — complete, tagged and searchable — for less than half what you’d expect to pay for these 24 volumes in print!


Complete Title: A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical, with special references to Ministers and Students. By John Peter Lange, D.D., in connection with a number of eminent European Divines. Translated from the German, and edited with additions, original and selected, by Philip Schaff, D.D., in connection with American scholars of various Evangelical Denominations.

The commentary’s subtitle — “Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical”— aptly describes the author’s three-pronged approach to the biblical text. Each biblical book receives a lengthy introduction, often between 30-50 pages in length with some books receiving much more (the introduction to Revelation is upward of 80 pages). The book’s primary divisions are then laid out, and for each section the author provides the KJV text (with brief textual notes), exegetical and critical comments, doctrinal and ethical interpretation, followed by homiletical and practical suggestions for application. Authors frequently quote from the writings of other commentators (e.g., Myer, Heubner, Alford, Starke, Quesnel), especially in the homiletical comments section.

Lange’s Commentary includes a number of unique features that add a great deal of value beyond the text-level commentary. Examples of this are theological and homiletical introductions to the Old Testament (157 pages) and New Testament (37 pages), general introductions for groups of biblical books (e.g., Three Middle Books of the Law, Poetical Books of the Old Testament, Pastoral Letters), and metrical/rhythmical versions of Job and Ecclesiastes.


Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures appeared as a pre-pub several years ago. At the time, it generated fewer sales than necessary to put it into production. A few years later, after many more earnest requests, the decision was made to give it one more try, this time on Community Pricing to see how it fared there. As a Community Pricing title it received little interest, generating less than fifty percent of the commitments needed. Nonetheless, there has been quite a number of vocal customers imploring us to produce this title. For that reason we are, once again, offering Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures on the pre-pub page.


If this series does not swiftly generate enough sales, we will remove it from our list of potential products. Given the history of this work on our site, and our desire to produce it in a timely fashion, the price of the title will be adjusted according to customer interest and production cost. In other words, be warned: the price will go up quickly. Lock in the lowest price while you can. Don’t miss out on the chance to add this renowned work to your commentary library!

Pre-order your copy today!

Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (24 Volumes)
Suggested Retail Price: $450.00 Logos Sale Price: $299.95

Pre-Publication Special: $199.95

For all the details, please visit the website at:

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