Revelation TV interview: my story and Hope Reborn

Revelation TV interview: my story and Hope Reborn October 9, 2014

I found filming this interview very emotional. Indeed, at one point I was close to tears. I was asked to share my testimony of conversion, and we spoke about the role that my tent preaching grandfather and prophecy had in shaping my life and ministry. When we turned to discuss Hope Reborn, it struck me that this book, probably more than anything else I have done so far, fulfills the prophetic charge my grandfather gave me.

This video should help you understand the goals behind Hope Reborn and why I am so excited about it. If you then want to learn more about my testimony, I recently wrote a multi-part series I called This is My Story. I think you will enjoy watching this interview whether you are new around here or have been reading for ages:

The interviewer was Hugh Jackman and it was aired on European Christian TV station, Revelation TV.

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