November 4, 2016

Did you think gardening would be like sitting for a cup of tea with Granny on the patio? Those rare and beautiful moments are, believe me, planned and worked toward for days, weeks, if not months ahead of your visit. Especially if your Gran loves to garden. Read more

November 2, 2016

Trying to articulate systemic change in my own psyche as a result of shadow work is like trying to describe Jackson Pollock by analysing where the paint rests on the canvas. I only have the ability to articulate the symptoms of systemic illumination in the mind. Read more

November 1, 2016

The spirits deserve their due, after all, and we are moving solidly into their season: the dark part of the year. Some spirits in particular were associated with Samhain, and with the ensuing month, which in Irish is named for the holiday. Read more

October 31, 2016

I believe that showing simple kindness, while not exclusive to Paganism by any means, rightfully belongs as one of our most basic core tenets, right up there with revering our Mother Earth as sacred and taking a stand against hatred, bigotry, and greed wherever it shows its ugly head. Read more

October 29, 2016

The modern human came into being in the context of a developing partnership with the wolf. And if one believes in animal spirits, one can be pretty sure that Wolf remembers about that, even if Dog is carrying most of the load these days. Read more

October 27, 2016

Shuffle your Tarot cards, toss your Rune stones, read your tea leaves, this is the time of year for telling the future, and my favorite form of divination involves bones. Read more

October 27, 2016

Fall, colored leaves, picking that perfect pumpkin against the backdrop of washed harvest color. Purple skied night, ghosts, skeletons, bats, witches trick-or-treat. Aah... to be a kid again, letting your inner five-year-old love it all. Read more

October 26, 2016

The beyond manifests as the heart of the supernatural, which is the ordinary in the extraordinary. Why else do you suppose you can speak with the dead, divine your future, or give clear and precise answers with the cards to yourself and others on current concerns or old wounds? Read more

October 25, 2016

The idea of a peaceable planetary commonwealth, founded on the universal principles of wisdom enshrined in the world’s great religious traditions, and respecting the inalienable rights of all human beings, seems to be a laudable goal. But the Illuminati quickly fell due to infighting, political repression, and the usual institutional failures. Read more

October 24, 2016

In the sense that the mask serves to kill the ego masks for the duration of Halloween night, we can face death itself head on. Traditionally masks and guising served to trick ghosts and goblins into thinking the living were one of them and pass us over, or to threaten and scare the dead and unseelie hosts back into the underworld. Read more

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