October 23, 2016

In ancient times, the goddess Hekate was worshipped as the Leader of the Dogs (Skylakagetis in Greek). Black dogs in particular were sacred to her. Read more

October 22, 2016

“Time is running out.” Hecate says, “Be fearless. Choose love. By your choices, and those of your human kin, your destiny and that of your Earth home will be decided.” Read more

October 21, 2016

It’s Witch, as in Craft, not some horrey old hag, With a wart on her nose and a dress like a rag. Read more

October 19, 2016

I'm learning that we are what propels ourselves, while simultaneously being the largest impediment to our own growth. Read more

October 18, 2016

One question I get asked fairly often is whether or not the Morrigan had a day associated with her historically and if so what would it be? The answer from a straight academic perspective is no, we don't have any surviving evidence of a feast day or holiday associated explicitly with the Morrigan. The more nuanced answer is that the Morrigan has connections to several different holidays, but probably the most mythic connections to Samhain. Read more

October 17, 2016

Years ago, I embarked on a little experiment: for an entire summer we wore clerical garb in public, except of course at work. It was illuminating. Read more

October 14, 2016

Coming home from Starwood 2016 with an obsession to build the last of my PectiWita working tools, was rather inconvenient. First off, Scrying had never been my thing, and Intuition always proved close enough for horseshoes (as they say...) Now that I was aware of its existence in the realm of possibilities, its veritible ubiquity within the craft tradition that called to my bones so deeply...well, I could think of nothing else on the plane ride home. Read more

October 13, 2016

The night sky seems to twinkle more now or is it just me? The trees whisper on my walks. Most people say the year will be ending soon, but for me it's just the beginning. Witches rule at Halloween. Read more

October 12, 2016

When something is simple, by virtue of the nature of the simple, it is above hard and easy. Are your rituals simple in this sense, or are they subject to polarity? Read more

October 11, 2016

As I continue my research into post-Crowley forms of Thelema, Christian theology, and other occult traditions (especially the teachings of the Universal Brotherhood, which Frater Achad led as Mahaguru starting in the early 1930s), one major point of difference has emerged for me between Christian forms of occultism and non-Christian traditions like Thelema: eschatology. Read more

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