September 17, 2013

Few people have influenced my life’s philosophical work than that of the political philosopher Susan Moller Okin. However, I am not a feminist because of Susan Moller Okin. If you follow this blog, you know I love sharing clips featuring the philosopher Judith Butler. See here, here, and here. As I said on one of posts, “…my work and thought is very different from that of Butler. However, her approach to gender continues to fascinate me…” Yet, I am not... Read more

September 16, 2013

Be sure to see Pt. 1 first. This entire episode focuses on how the character and temperament of George Washington played a vital role in the peaceful transition to republican democracy after the Revolutionary War. While I think we can be quick to fall into hero worship of the founding figure, I do think that Washington played an import role both for what he did do (as General and by showing up at the Convention) and what he did not... Read more

September 16, 2013

Author’s Note: This post is part of a series looking at resources for teaching children about the U.S. Constitution on Constitution Day (Sept. 17). The cartoon series Liberty’s Kids aired on PBS from 2002-2004. It is a historical fiction account of the events of the Revolutionary War and the early United States told through the eyes of Sarah (15), James (14), and Henri (8). Elements of such an approach can be cheesy. However, I think Liberty’s Kids does a good... Read more

September 15, 2013

Actually, Tuesday is Constitution Day. September 17 is the anniversary of the conclusion of the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Tomorrow, I will be posting a number of video resources that I think will be of use to elementary school teachers, homeschool teachers, and anyone looking to talk more about The United States Constitution with their children. I will be sharing some reasoning behind why these are sound resources. I will also share some possible discussion questions. I hope they... Read more

September 15, 2013

We are at war. No, I am not talking about Syria or Afganistan. Instead, there is a war between good and evil. Much of the battles of this war are being fought beyond the human eye. These are the battles for the hearts and minds of humanity. Fighting in these battles are the angles of God on one side and on the other side we have demons led by Satan. How can we protect ourselves that we might not only... Read more

September 12, 2013

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced yesterday that it was initiating an effort to promote the freedom of religion. Here is a video title “What is Religious Freedom?” released by the LDS Church that addresses the meaning of the freedom of religion and the current status of the freedom of religion. A few quick points: 1. I found it interesting that the video provided two arguments or philosophical foundations for the freedom of religion. The first was... Read more

September 11, 2013

One of my favorite things to share as part of the Hymns of Social Justice series are covers of classic social justice anthems. For Patriot Day, I want to share with you Christian rock artist David Crowder performing Woody Guthrie’s "This Land is Your Land." Woody Guthrie presents to us in this song an aspirational vision of hope and longing for a more democratic America. He wrote it as a response to Irving Berlin’s "God Bless America," Today, Crowder’s rendition... Read more

September 11, 2013

Author’s Note: Today marks the 40th Anniversary of the military coup in Chile which overthrew the democratic socialist regmine of President Salvador Allende. The coup ushered in over 15 years of autocratic military rule. I wrote the following reflection on Roberto Bolaño’s By Night in Chile back in 2008. In the immediate aftermath of the coup, thousands of leftists and others where murdered by the military regime. 40 years later, I honor and remember them.    By Night in Chile by Roberto... Read more

September 10, 2013

Author’s Note: See my earlier post about why I left the Democratic Party and joined the Green Party. Party platforms are pretty useless. I feel that they tend to divide and confuse. Of course, I am not sure if anybody actually reads them. When they do…they usually regret it. They are such painfully contrived documents. For the most part, they just make delegates to political conventions feel important. In 2000, the Green Party of the United States adopted the following... Read more

September 9, 2013

And I just can’t get away from it! I just love the shiny temples. I am mesmerized by our founding prophet figure. Of course, I am talking about the Cult of Mac. Not sure what you might have had in mind. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s session of General Conference…umm…I mean…iPhone Event. Read more

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