Putting a Hit Out on Secret Vatican Spy, Plus Some Saturday Link Love

Putting a Hit Out on Secret Vatican Spy, Plus Some Saturday Link Love April 16, 2011

I’m putting a hit out on my friend Kassie, the Secret Vatican Spy.

A prayer hit.

This amazing woman is coming into the Church at Easter…just a week left, Kassie! She’s had a very difficult Lent, on top of a difficult conversion in general, so I’m asking all of you to join me in lifting her up in prayer this week. Just as you go throughout your day, if the though pops into your head, say a little prayer for her, won’t you?

I must say, though I don’t have many years of experience under my belt, I’ve never seen someone attacked on all sides during the conversion process the way Kassie has been. This girl has been put through the ringer in the last six weeks, and she’s faced it all with remarkable strength and grace. Her hope has continually been centered on Easter and the Eucharist, and her focus on Christ is an inspiration. I cannot wait to welcome this amazing girl into the arms of our mother Church at Easter, and see what plans God has for her!

Special prayers sent up to her confirmation saints, St. Gianna Molla and St. Thomas More, would be doubly appreciated. I know that they are anxious to welcome their sister into the communion of saints as well, and I’m petitioning for their prayers for Kassie during Holy Week.

And now, some link love.

Full Spectrum Mom blogs at Don’t Eat the Daisies. Aside from having probably the coolest blog name ever, she’s got twenty-six years of mommy experience under her belt! I’m definitely going to be making trips back to soak up some mommy wisdom.

Erin, the Humble Handmaid, blogs about life with her husband Michael and her son Gabriel, and I am completely envious that she has a son named Gabriel. I really wanted to name Liam that but the Ogre wasn’t buying it.

Oh, and yay, I found that blog with the bridge on it! It’s here. The name of the blog is Super Flumina (which I can’t translate, but the Ogre probably can so maybe I’ll put up an update later) and it’s a collaborative effort by a group called “Zion”. I like this blog. It reminds me a lot of many of the kids I went to college with, in that they would have conversations in Latin and make jokes about Greek linguistic tics and I would smile idiotically and pretend I knew what they were talking about. But they always had interesting and meaningful things to say, when they said them in English.

Lydia blogs at Purpuraria. This is also a rare find. I’ve been reading back through her archives and have been really impressed with her writing style and interesting posts. She’s definitely worth spending a few hours getting to know, so check it out!

Living for the Lord in 2011 left a great post in my combox about abortion, but if you don’t want to go sifting through the piles of comments, she also wrote it on her blog. It’s definitely worth a read and fills me with much hope. My dad has been saying essentially the same thing she says about abortion for years, and I hope with all my heart that they are both right.

Speaking of Living for the Lord, please, please, please go visit her other blog, where she blogs about the process of bringing their baby boy Henry home through adoption. The adoption process must be kicked into high gear because the country their precious son is in might be shutting down all pending adoptions in June. They still need $15,000 dollars, so if you have any spare change, please consider using it to help them bring their little lad home. 

Ah yes, and the lovely Betty Beguiles linked to me today as well! What a sweetheart. If you haven’t been by her blog yet, you simply must. It’s charming, funny, fascinating and winsome all at once. She’ll also teach you things you won’t get here, like how to be a lady.

That’s it for the link love. Last item of business today is a word about comments.

I keep meaning to go back to my comment boxes and respond individually to each comment, but with the craziness of this week and with Holy Week looming, with pounds of spanikopita and koulourakia to bake, dozens of Easter eggs to dye, Easter baskets to make up for the kids, and the annual epic search for the best leg of lamb within a 20-mile radius to undertake, I’m afraid I simply won’t have time. I want to assure you that I read, love, and treasure each comment. That’s not an exaggeration. Every time my little email chime dings on my Droid I leap up, hoping it’s a comment, and the Ogre can always tell when it is because I smile happily. So thank you all for reading and commenting, and thanks particularly for your prayers this week (especially priest’s wife-thank you!).

Blogging may be light this week, since my husband is Greek and we live very far from his mama so all the massive, insane Easter preparations fall to me, but next week I’ll put up great pictures of my children, covered in chocolate! Yay!

In case you think I’m joking about the covered in chocolate thing, here’s a few gems from Easter a couple years ago, when Sienna and I were in Rome with the Ogre’s sister:

Oh yeah. We do Easter right around here.

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