April 14, 2015

Witches don't proselytize. So I rarely get the opportunity to wax rhetoric on why I think Wicca and Witchcraft are awesome. These are some good ideas that we value and encourage. Read more

April 10, 2015

The use of language, sound, and ritual is the most familiar form of Witch’s magick; it’s what people usually think of when they hear the word “Witchcraft.” Rites, chants, spells, runes, and charms speak directly to your conscious mind to formulate your Intent, and if well-written, they also utilize symbols, archetypes, correspondences, and mythology to speak to your unconscious mind. Read more

April 8, 2015

Since the death of my friend made the media, and since a Kamloops paper quoted the eulogy and article I wrote about it, I have received several requests for interviews. But I am distrustful. The truth is that most of the world still comes to Paganism from a place of disrespect at best, and mockery or bigotry at worst. It hurts my heart. Read more

April 5, 2015

Water - We are beings of water, but do we really honor it as element, physiologic need and the beginnings of our lives as humans? How do you honor water? How will you ensure its ebb and flow? Read more

April 3, 2015

You may have seen the news by now, probably because of the headline: "Pagan fire ritual gone wrong killed Kamloops woman". There were all kinds of details that add up to vulturesque media clickbait. But Heather Carr was my friend. I am disgusted by the deliberately provocative language of the mainstream media and even more disgusted by the internet trolls who have chosen to comment on it like they actually know something about the situation. Because it was a shamanic witch who chose to pray alone in a publicly owned place rather than a church, it's a big sensation and people feel they have a right to be rude. Read more

March 27, 2015

It seems that I find myself in disagreement with two writers I respect: Jason Mankey, and, to a degree, John Halstead. Their stance certainly appears to be the common consensus; but I believe that Pagan temples are not only a damn fine idea, but that they are important and necessary. These are my reasons. Read more

March 24, 2015

"There's no such thing as magick" says the hard-core rationalist. But modern science does not agree with you. As a matter of fact, they know it works pretty well, and they compensate for it in every clinical trial and design medication with this in mind. They call it "the placebo effect." Read more

March 20, 2015

Am I devoted to my god? Absolutely. Do I love Him? Without a doubt. Do I want to do things for Him; do I expect Him to do things for me? Of course! But can I really say that I worship Him? . . . well, I suppose that depends upon what you mean. Read more

March 16, 2015

It's Spring in the Northern Hemisphere! Time to plant your garden! Here's some magickal hints and charms to help your garden grow. Read more

March 13, 2015

Yesterday Terry Pratchett died. His work contributed directly to my spirituality and many witches and Pagans were fans. I felt I had to say a few words to remember him. Read more

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