Trump Deals the Cards

Trump Deals the Cards April 29, 2016

Easter 6 Trump enwikipedia.orgThe Woman Card was slapped down on the national table by the Master Dealer, Donald Trump, whose vast fortunes (he mentions them in every speech) have a tap root in Las Vegas, where his name gleams gold on the top of a large hotel.

Trump is a Master Dealer. He tells us this himself. And he has cultivated this profile in years of TV shows about himself as a business tycoon.

He’s been dealing cards this whole political season. Not ordinary cards. He has a deck of his own, outrageously different cards.  Like a Tarot Deck, he lays them down and then tells fortunes from them. Like the US military’s Deck of Doom, he uses them to target people for destruction.

The No Energy Card went to Jeb Bush. The Lyin’ Ted card is still in play. And he still hasn’t taken the Birther Card, with which he slammed Obama for at least a year, off the public gaming table. And then, there was the Blood Card that he laid on Megyn Kelly of Fox News. Somehow, despite the public reaction, Trump got away with that. Megyn Kelly will never shake that image, not for the rest of her career, of blood coming out of her eyes and her you-know-where.

Trump’s been laying a Crooked Hillary card on the public table for a few weeks, but now he says Hillary doesn’t have anything to run on other than her gender. So the Woman Card has trumped the Crooked Card.  He dealt both, and he’s watching all of us to see if these will play well.

The Woman Card, like the Race Card, points out an obvious disadvantage. But in Trump’s hand, these cards become an advantage to him, and he uses them to point to an ‘unfair advantage’ – second-class status – that might cause one tiny drop of public sympathy to be given to women or blacks. And he doesn’t want that to happen. All Trumps cards say Loser on the back. Loser Cards are the only cards Trump deals. The Winner cards he keeps in his pocket, he never lets anyone else have a turn with those.

The thing about Woman Cards is Trump isn’t the only one who can deal them. Hillary’s had a deck of her own printed up, and she’s handing them out to anyone who wants one. Indeed they may over-trump Trump.

Trump likes to deal Babe Cards to women, like his wife Melania and his daughter Ivanka. Babe  cards, of course, can only be dealt by men, and signify a level of high sexual interest in the woman who gets one. And in all of this, they signify control, because the initial moment of flattery fades when you realize that Babes are acquisitions, in the Donald’s point of view.

The question is: who made Trump the Card Dealer for 2016?

And why isn’t anyone dealing Loser cards to him? I think Cruz is trying to, but he just doesn’t have the Carnival Barker style you need to be the dealer at a high stakes table. He talks so slowly, you always reach the end of his sentences before he does. And it’s really boring.

Hillary could deal Trump some Loser Cards, but Hillary seems to prefer to respond to Trump than take the deal away from him.

Trump’s Crooked Hillary card has been really unfair. Bernie Sanders has enough integrity to question the millions the Clintons have earned from the large corporate speaker circuit. But Trump?  Does anyone think his fortune is squeaky clean? I doubt it has been influence he has peddled, but rather more tangible things. And there should be evidence somewhere.

When is some journalist going to go into the deals Trump has made  and what he – or others – got for them? He’s told us the IRS is investigating him. Why not start there, investigative journalists?

After all, Hillary and Bill earned that 25 million speech by speech. Trump says she made a Faustian bargain, peddling her influence for those checks. But his proof is, he thinks he bought her. So then, he must be the Devil (who bought Faust’s soul). Check this out, someone, please.

Speaking of Faust, John Boehner played an enormous card, the Lucifer card, which he laid on Ted Cruz. I was happy. And I’ll bet Trump was, too. I think that card is going right into the Trump deck, and we’ll see it again soon, laid on anyone who gets in his way.

This is some deck, Trump’s Loser Cards. Every one of them merits him a top o’ the news mention.

Don’t think for a moment he’ll stop this if he’s elected. He’ll be dealing Monster Cards, Wild Cards, Trump Cards, to Congressmen and Senators, to foreign Heads of State (and the women will surely get Babe or Dog Cards). Trump is never going to leave the Dealer position at the high stakes tables. He’ll always have a deck in his pocket. Well fingered. Maybe even marked.

Is there anyone in America who can get Trump out of the casino? Or are we going to be governed from a back room card game?
Image: Trump in victory, en image.

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