Top 4 Tweets from @MikeSAdams This Week

Top 4 Tweets from @MikeSAdams This Week August 30, 2015


Remember Mike Adams?  Mom wrote about him on Facebook:

It seems Hades froze over. Liberty loving Americans won a great victory for our First Amendment rights! University of North Carolina-Wilmington Professor Mike Adams won his case against the university for arbitrarily denying him his promotion to full professor because of his conservative writings. Many of you may have read Dr. Adams’ great articles As Dr. Adams’ attorney David French told me via email, “The university loved and honored Dr. Adams when he was liberal and atheist, and then punished him for his free speech after he became Christian and conservative. But Dr. Adams fearlessly fought back, and yesterday’s jury verdict sent a message: The Constitution protects conservatives too. We should heed that message and fight fearlessly for our rights, even against seemingly overwhelming odds.”

Congratulations to Dr. Adams, his tenacious and wise attorney David French, and the ACLJ for their many years of hard work on this case. This is a victory in defense of our Constitution. I thank God for blessing good attorneys with the common sense to articulate this case for freedom. Keep pushing back against the intolerant, stifling left!

Well, he’s still teaching and presumably driving the liberals at University of North Carolina-Wilmington mad.  Good for him!

You guys know I hate Twitter.  I don’t have a personal account, but this blog has one. (FOLLOW IT HERE!)

But here are Professor Mikes best tweets lately.  (FOLLOW HIM HERE!)

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