9 Celebs who Aren’t Afraid to Support the 2nd Amendment

9 Celebs who Aren’t Afraid to Support the 2nd Amendment August 2, 2016

4. Gary Sinise

Gary Sinise may be most known for his role as battle-scarred Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump, but in real life, he is one of the most generous celebrities when it comes to supporting our wounded vets. His love for America runs deep and so does his love of the Second Amendment.

“You can’t get rid of guns,” Sinise told Larry King. “It’s a Second Amendment right, obviously, so guns aren’t going to go away. Violence isn’t going to go away, it’s a human failing, I guess, and it has been for thousands of years.”

“Taking people’s rights to protect themselves from bad people… is not something you can do,” he added.

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