July 23, 2018

Why do the Ten Commandments get so little attention in preaching and evangelism? What Must I Do? What was the intended purpose of God’s Law. Let’s begin with a rich man came up to Jesus and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do... Read more

July 20, 2018

What’s changed in the proclamation of the gospel in the last hundred years or so? It’s the presentation of the gospel that’s changed. Come into my Heart What’s happened to the presentation of the gospel? Where have repentance and faith gone? What about Jesus’ saying, “whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matt 16:25). Jesus did not come to give you or me a more fulfilling life; He... Read more

July 18, 2018

Why do some believer’s struggle with overcoming sin more than others? Why do we keep sinning after salvation? Our Nature It is human nature for us to sin. If you took a fish out of the water, they’d be out of their environment because they’re not capable of surviving without being submerged in water. That’s the way fish were created, so it’s their nature, but it’s also our nature to sin, even when we know what it’s wrong. After a... Read more

July 16, 2018

There are consequences for every action, both good and bad, just as there are consequences to obeying or not obeying God’s law. Blessings and Curses It could not be clearer that obedience blessings us while disobedience brings curses or negative consequences. There are only twelve verses in Deuteronomy that outline the blessings that come from obedience (28:3-14), but there are sixty-five verses where curses are the result of disobedience (27:15-26; 28:16-68). [1] Although God has determined to save Israel because... Read more

July 13, 2018

The Bible says that our works may be burned up as hay, wood, and stubble, and only those things done for Christ alone will pass through the fire. Knowing Christ When Jesus was speaking to a large crowd, He wanted to make sure that they not only listened to His words, but they did what He said. For example, Jesus warned that “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who... Read more

July 11, 2018

The Bible mentions the Book of Life, but what is it? Who’s in it and who’s not and how do you get in it? Two Books of Life? The Bible mentions a book of life or a book of the living, so are these the same book or are they completely different? Moses’ mentions a book of life, but is it the same one that appears in the Book of Revelation? Are there two separate books of life in the... Read more

July 9, 2018

When we are weak and need God to strengthen us, we need to go to Him in prayer and pray back His Word to Him, so here are 5 prayers for strength in the Bible. Troubled Waters When Jonah continued to resist the will of God, God pursued him by hurling a great storm and then sending a great fish, and from the sound of Jonah’s prayer, it sounded like Jonah was on the verge of death. Some even believe... Read more

July 6, 2018

For the Body of Christ, Philippians 2 is a great chapter to take to heart and mind as it reflects Christ Himself. A Church’s Mission Most churches have mission statements or specific purpose statements. They have these in order to tell a visitor what the church’s central focus is or what their mission is. Is it aligned with Christ’s directives (Matt 25:35-36, 28:18-20), or is it ambiguous and doesn’t really say much? What is the church’s priority here on earth?... Read more

July 4, 2018

The word love is used so loosely these days that it’s lost its true meaning, so what are the best Bible verses that define what love is. A Verb Love is not so much a feeling as it is a verb. It’s what you do. Of course, Jesus gave the greatest display of love on the cross that we have ever seen (John 3:16-17), giving His own life as a ransom for the many who would trust in Him (Mark... Read more

July 2, 2018

God loves it when we give Him thanks, and so here are some of the world’s best Bible verses that can help you to be more thankful to God. In All Things The Apostle Paul tells us that we should give thanks to God “in all circumstances,” and not just when we’ve been blessed. He writes, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess 5:18), but this is nothing... Read more

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