Santorum to CHEMIST Pope Francis: “Leave Science to the Scientists!”

Santorum to CHEMIST Pope Francis: “Leave Science to the Scientists!” June 2, 2015

"I can't believe Santorum said that to the pope!" (Albert Edelfelt, Louis Pasteur, 1885).
“I can’t believe Santorum said that to the pope!” (Albert Edelfelt, Louis Pasteur, 1885).

Here’s hyper-Republican ideologue Rick Santorum on Pope Francis (and climate change) in a radio interview you can find in its entirety below:

The Church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think we’re probably better off leaving science to the scientists and focus on what we’re really good on, which is theology and morality. When we get involved with political and controversial scientific theories, then I think the church is probably not as forceful and credible.

Puhleeze, more often than not, the Church has gotten it right on science. This is the main reason why the few times that it hasn’t have stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seriously, who needs enemies like Richard Dawkins when you have this?

This type of American Catholic partisanship once again suggests that the American Church is as dangerous to the Church Catholic, if not more, than the German Church

Doesn’t everyone know Bergoglio holds an MA in chemistry?

Doesn’t that, you know, make the pope . . . a scientist? Or did I miss chemistry becoming not-a-science somehow?

By the way, there’s no environmental encyclical yet. So Santorum is trying shut up the pope before he says anything.

In the end, be wary of what American Catholic public figures say:

On second thought, see my TOP10+ booklist on the dialogue between science and religion instead of listening to his sorry display.

You might also find this compendium of Benedict XVI statements on climate change interesting.

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