Michaelmas: The Feast of St Michael and All Angels

Michaelmas: The Feast of St Michael and All Angels September 29, 2015

David Russell Mosley


Ordinary Time


The Edge of Elfland

Hudson, New Hampshire

Dear Friends and Family,

Another Michaelmas is before us and while I haven’t time at the moment to write a new post, I couldn’t let the feast day that actively reminds us of angelic realities pass by without comment. So, below you will find a series of letters I’ve written over the years on angels. I pray they will awaken you to the deeper realities all around us.

Angels and Demons: On the Cosmic Reality and Theological Importance of Angelology and Demonology

Unspoken Sermons: Christ the King: Angels and Poverty

A Vision of Angels: Given on the Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Happy Michaelmas: Celebrating the Reality of Angels



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