Academic Impostor Syndrome with Christ & University

Academic Impostor Syndrome with Christ & University June 28, 2016

David Russell Mosley


Ordinary Time
Feast of St. Irenaeus
The Edge of Elfland
Hudson, New Hampshire

Dear Readers,

Today at Christ & Univiersity I’ve written a piece on the feelings of impostor syndrome that plague myself and many other academics. Please do check it out. Here’s a brief extract:

I am the worst theologian there is. When I find myself in a group of my “peers” I feel totally inadequate, as if I can be nothing more than a mere popularizer of theology, but not a serious student of it. My language work is pitiful and I’ve not read half the people I should have. I don’t get the jobs I apply for. My proposals don’t get accepted at conferences. I am the worst theologian there is. Frankly, this is how I often feel, particularly on bad days and particularly online. I see or digitally interact with other theologians from around the world and I feel totally inadequate. Many academics, I believe, feel this way. It’s called impostor syndrome.

See the rest here.


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