Moments in Confederate Flag History: the Clinton and Carter Edition

Moments in Confederate Flag History: the Clinton and Carter Edition June 21, 2015


With all of the newly ignited controversy over the Confederate flag, let’s don’t forget that Democrats don’t have a great record on this. Check out the AP photo of then Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter on Feb. 16 1972, posing in front of a framed confederate battle flag in the Capitol building in Atlanta. 

Plus, this Clinton/Gore button was being sold on eBay.  It’s hard to tell if this was an official campaign button, but we do know that Bill Clinton passed an act that dedicated one star in the Arkansas flag to the confederacy.  (The bill read, “The blue star above the word ‘ARKANSAS’ is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.”)

RELATED: Don’t Take Down That Flag

One more thing.  Arkansas celebrates a “Confederate Flag Day” every year — including the 8 years that Clinton was Governor.

In case you are wondering… the answer is no.  None of that stopped Hillary from saying that South Carolinians should take down the Confederate flag in Charleston.


 RELATED: Watch a Confederate Flag Debate on CNN

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