April 15, 2019

Guest Post: Rev. Shane Isner I remember how angry folk were at Tiger when it all went down that Thanksgiving. The serial infidelities, the gross betrayal of his family, leaking out over weeks like a slow-motion horror film of male privilege. Watching him hug his son after Sunday’s victory (and of course I watched), I wondered how complicated the boy’s emotions were. I’ve grown accustomed to public outrage precluding the hope of redemption. It seems that mercy is unavailable for famous... Read more

April 3, 2019

I just got back from Honduras. Otherwise known around these parts as “Mexico,” at least if you watch Fox News …  In real life geography, Honduras is its own country. It is one of three countries, along with El Salvador and Guatemala, to make up a region known as the Northern Triangle. This area, between Mexico and South America, struggles with deep poverty and widespread violence. It is also a lush, tropical paradise, full of natural resources and wonderful, loving... Read more

March 30, 2019

Guest post by the Rev. Allison Lanza One of the members of the church where I pastor shared a picture on social media of a group from our church that included my 7-month-old foster son. Someone commented asking who the baby was. Her response was, “This is Spencer, our church’s foster child.” Initially, I was annoyed. “This is my foster child,” I thought. “Where are you, church, at 2 a.m., when he is crying from teething pain or blows out... Read more

March 28, 2019

Guest post by Dr. Georgeann Brown Their stories are with me. Maybe they needed substance abuse treatment, but there were no inpatient programs with openings or that were affordable without insurance. Maybe they needed an intensive treatment program for an eating disorder or PTSD, but there were no programs in the state. Maybe they were facing systemic discrimination because of their race or sexual identity, and this was causing their distress. Maybe their insurance policy did not cover essential services... Read more

March 21, 2019

In the wake of a horrific act of gun violence that took the lives of 50 people—including children—New Zealand did this crazy thing. They banned the types of assault rifles that can destroy hundreds of lives in a matter of seconds. Knowing that the solution is imperfect, they took a step towards preventing this sort of carnage in the future. Also recognizing that racially motivated violence is on the rise, they made a move that will hopefully keep weapons of... Read more

March 14, 2019

The college admissions scandal—involving several prominent families, including a few famous actresses—might be just about squeezed of all discussion. It’s really just about all I’ve seen in the newsfeed the last few days, from the actual reporting to the think pieces wondering, “Why are we surprised?” Why are we surprised, indeed? What aspect of our culture should lead us to believe that privileged white folks would draw some ethical line around higher education, when time has shown again and again... Read more

March 13, 2019

It’s a sick-out day in our school district. Again. This is our fifth day out in three weeks. That means a day when the teachers—who are contractually not allowed to go on strike—have called in sick, en masse, so they can go to the state capitol and protest. There is much to protest. Over the past few years, the Kentucky government has “borrowed” funds from teacher pensions and then refused to give it back. To be clear, this is money... Read more

March 12, 2019

Stop me if you’ve heard it: A Catholic school in a suburb of Kansas City (about five minutes from where I lived previously) denied entrance to a KINDERGARTNER because the student’s parents were gay. I mean, they love all the babies and they want all the babies and please bring them all the babies—as long as the babies are fetuses. But they’ll not suffer a child with two dads. Nah. Need not apply. The good news is that the community... Read more

March 7, 2019

Maybe he knew what he was doing When he got himself put close to the ground No legs? No problem No arms? Hands? Opposable thumbs? Who cares. Shunned for all time Over that whole fruit thing Maybe, but whatever. Who actually gives damn. Because what he’s got That we don’t got Is a whole skin that can be crawled out of And left behind. Just a husk on the ground A wisp of the life that was Like a peel... Read more

March 6, 2019

In years past, I’ve gone vegetarian for Lent. My daughter is one already, so it makes the whole food-prep-and-shopping thing a little easier. But it is more than a token gesture. While the spiritual practices of Lent are meant to promote mindfulness, I balk at the idea of self-deprivation for its own sake. For my money, that amounts to a sanctimonious gesture—something that Jesus frequently warned against in his instructions about how to pray. If I’m going to give up... Read more

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