Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings September 15, 2012

Jason Clark and why theology is of use to the Vineyard! “I’ve already mentioned that we have theological convictions and beliefs as part of all we do, already.  The issue is what theology will shape and form us, not if theology will shape and form us…. Our understanding of the Kingdom came from theological reflection by early leaders in the Vineyard.  You and I might say we believe in the Kingdom, but do we know what that means and why? Do we know why Vineyard ministry times usual involve standing quietly waiting on the Holy Spirit?  This was not something John Wimber invented, but experienced when he became a Christian within Evangelical Quakers in the USA.”

Ted’s full sentence of gospel truth: “What this all adds up to is a life in God through Jesus by the Spirit in the fellowship of the church in mission in Jesus to the world. In that through Jesus we find find real life.”

The Virtual Abbess is back, with this thoughtful post on complementarian vs. egalitarian, two terms that don’t collide. “Patriarchy belongs to the semantic field of kinship — the realm of the family.  Egalitarian belongs to the semantic field of politics, referring to things like equal access to the vote, to positions of public leadership, and to ownership of property. The opposite of patriarchal dominance is not egalitarian anarchy/cooperation.”

Speaking of which, here’s my friend Patrick’s review of a recent book on women in ministry, not the least of which is the irony of a woman teaching us that women ought not to teach men endorsed by men who think women ought not to teach men.

Who is around you? “Who in your life makes you a better person? I just had lunch with with a friend who is such a person.  He is older, wiser, and helped me think through a life issue and a church issue as well. I am better off for having spent time with this friend.  He is the kind of person who makes me want to be a better man and leader.  I enjoy being with him. Now I realize that not everyone is like my friend.  Some people complain constantly. Some people enjoy arguing. Some are pessimistic and cynical.  Others are manipulative. Many of us deal with all kinds of people every day. I have learned that I am better equipped to deal with these kinds of people if I am deliberate about surrounding myself with five different kinds of people.”

Good story about Dan Kimball.

An excellent post by Mark Stevens, one of our students at Tabor in Adelaide.

From Geeding, 7 things to remember about elections: “1. Both political parties go to church. 2. Political talk radio and cable “news” only want ratings. 3. Those who argue over politics don’t love their country more than others. They just love to argue more than others. 4. Thinking your party’s platform is unflawed is a mistake. 5. Scripture tells us to pray for our governing leaders (2 Timothy 2:1-4) and to respect those in authority (Romans 13:1-7). 6. Don’t be paranoid. 7. Stop saying, “This is the most important election in the history of our nation.” It’s not. The most important election in the history of our nation was when Abraham Lincoln was elected president.”

Meanderings in the News

NYC 9/11 Memorial and the price: “NEW YORK (AP) – With its huge reflecting pools, ringed by waterfalls and skyscrapers, and a cavernous underground museum still under construction, the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center is an awesome spectacle that moved and inspired some 4.5 million visitors in its first year. But all that eye-welling magnificence comes with a jaw-dropping price tag. The foundation that runs the memorial estimates that once the roughly $700 million project is complete, the memorial and museum will together cost $60 million a year to operate. The anticipated cost has bothered some critics and raised concerns even among the memorial’s allies that the budget may be unsustainable without a hefty government subsidy. By comparison, the National Park Service budgeted $8.4 million this year to operate and maintain Gettysburg National Military Park and $3.6 million for the monument that includes the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. Running Arlington National Cemetery, which has more than 14,000 graves and receives 4 million visitors a year, costs $45 million annually. Officials at the 9/11 memorial say they face unique challenges that make comparisons to other national memorials difficult. The foundation plans to spend at least a fifth of its operating budget, or around $12 million per year, on private security because of terrorism fears. Visitors to the memorial plaza pass through airport-like security, and armed guards patrol the grounds.

10 colleges with in dorms.

But teachers aren’t making what others are making with equal college education. For a link to the story about the graph to the right, click here.

Must read and graph about women crushing men worldwide in college race. “Women have outnumbered men on college campuses in the U.S. for a while now. But American guys aren’t the only ones falling behind. The graph below, courtesy the OECD’s new report on global education indicators, is a wonderful illustration of the way women have just crushed men in the college race. The blue lines essentially show how the fraction of women earning higher degrees in each country grew during the aughts. The gray lines are for the men. Upshot: women are expanded their presence on campus faster than men pretty much everywhere.”

Men behind women, why? David Brooks.”But, in her fascinating new book, “The End of Men,” Hanna Rosin posits a different theory. It has to do with adaptability. Women, Rosin argues, are like immigrants who have moved to a new country. They see a new social context, and they flexibly adapt to new circumstances. Men are like immigrants who have physically moved to a new country but who have kept their minds in the old one. They speak the old language. They follow the old mores. Men are more likely to be rigid; women are more fluid. This theory has less to do with innate traits and more to do with social position. When there’s big social change, the people who were on the top of the old order are bound to cling to the old ways. The people who were on the bottom are bound to experience a burst of energy. They’re going to explore their new surroundings more enthusiastically.”

Richard III?

MOOC’s: “Jonathan Salovitz’s course load sounds as grueling as any college undergraduate’s: computer science, poetry, history, math and mythology, taught by professors at big-name schools such as Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania. Except Salovitz, 23, is not an undergraduate. His effort won’t count toward a bachelor’s degree, and he hasn’t paid a dime in tuition. Nor have his classmates, who number in the tens and even hundreds of thousands. Instead, Salovitz calls himself a “guinea pig.” He’s participating in a grand experiment in higher education known as Massive Open Online Courses –MOOCs, for short. Learners of all ages around the world are flocking to them. Top universities are clamoring to participate. And MOOCs already have attracted the interest of some employers, paving the way for a potential revenue source. All in less than a year.”

Presidents and WASPs: “So WASPs, you’ve had your great run. And there is no doubt that another white Protestant will rise up one day against the growing odds and win the White House. But until that day comes, you can console yourself knowing that a white Protestant male is one of the most exciting athletes in our nation today: Tim Tebow. (Of course, he is the back up to Mark Sanchez.)”

Thomas Jefferson to the defense of America.

Here’s a new take on having a fair: a funeral fair. “Wedding fairs are commonplace around the country as happy couples prepare for their big day. Mention the concept of a funeral fair to help plan your final farewell and the initial reaction might be a combination of shock and surprise. But in Bournemouth this weekend, more than 150 people from inside the funeral industry are gathering for the peculiarly titled “Joy of Death Festival”.”

That makes sense: “The smell of freshly brewed coffee can be hard to resist. Unfortunately, the taste doesn’t always live up to expectations. Scientists think they know why –  and it is all to do with us having two senses of smell. When we smell coffee as it is brewing, the aroma goes up through the nose and blows across a sheet of cells that send the information to the brain. Then, when the coffee is sipped and swallowed, the scent is pushed up from the throat towards the same sheet of cells at the top of the nose.  But, crucially, it wafts across them in the opposite direction. This second, ‘retronasal’, sense of smell leads to the information being sent to a different part of the brain and interpreted differently, the British Science Festival in Aberdeen heard.  As most of the taste of a food or drink actually comes from its smell, this, combined with many of the flavoursome chemicals in coffee being stripped out by saliva, leaves it bound to disappoint.” [This is the experience of all except those who drink Intelligentsia!]

Maria Popova on crying.

Using artificial light in devices before bed — bad for sleep: “In today’s gadget-obsessed world, sleep experts often say that for a better night’s rest, Americans should click the “off” buttons on their smartphones and tablets before tucking in for the night. Electronic devices stimulate brain activity, they say, disrupting your ability to drift off to sleep. But according to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 90 percent of Americans regularly use a computer or electronic device of some kind in the hour before bed. Increasingly, researchers are finding that artificial light from some devices at night may tinker with brain chemicals that promote sleep. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute showed that exposure to light from computer tablets significantly lowered levels of the hormone melatonin, which regulates our internal clocks and plays a role in the sleep cycle.”

Meanderings in Sports

Oregon Duck fans have a problem the Illini fans do not have.

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