Has a Cockroach Skittered Into This, My Online Home?

Has a Cockroach Skittered Into This, My Online Home? August 14, 2010

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Hey, quick note. Sometimes I get too busy to monitor with proper asssiduousness the myriad comment threads simultaneously happening here on my blog. In some very real ways I count on my readers/commentators to keep things here reasonable, and at least reasonably polite. I’ve seen what happens when people show up here who are, shall we say, less than entirely sociable: you guys surround that person, move in, and through gentle reason and disarming charm persuade him or her to either rethink the advisability of their acerbity, or to go dock their pollution-spewing ship somewhere else in cyberspace.

God forgive how much I love it when that happens.

Anyway, if, unbeknownst to me, someone arrives here on my blog whom we’d all clearly be better without, please do not hesitate to alert me to that news. Do exercise considerable discrimination, bearing in mind (if you will) that I have an almost embarrassingly high tolerance (not to say an almost morbid weakness) for the well-articulated argument, no matter how disreputable its ultimate intention.

On the other hand, I hate people who hate first.

Point being: you guys let me know if ever you feel I need to consider checking or blocking someone on my blog whose full-on obnoxiousness I might have missed.

And when in doubt, drop me a word or two. No harm can possibly come of that.

Thanks, friends.


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