What causes Pastor “boycott gay-loving Starbucks!!” to foam so?

What causes Pastor “boycott gay-loving Starbucks!!” to foam so? February 7, 2012

You may have heard how last week USA Christian Ministries called upon all Christians to boycott Starbucks.

“Starbucks hates God!” declares USACM’s press release announcing the boycott. “Homosexual laws remove Americans’ Christian freedoms! Starbucks is against our Founding Fathers and God’s liberty!”

And so on.

What you may not know is that USA Christian Ministries consists of exactly one person: pastor Steven Andrew. (Shades of George Michael hospitalized: Christians For a Moral America praying for his death!) Pastor Steven and his “organization” are so obscure that, even though stories of USA Christian Ministries’ boycott of Starbucks went viral, the “group’s” Facebook page still  has only 34 members.

It’s almost sad.

Speaking of sad, below is Pastor Steven talking about God and America and values and stuff. As we listen to him, let us take a moment to ponder the deep and almost impenetrable mystery of what exactly it might be about the gay issue that so fixates him.

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