Thanksgiving 2012 Share a Prayer

Thanksgiving 2012 Share a Prayer November 15, 2012

Some of you might recall how last Easter we did The Burning of the Resentments. As we enter this year’s holiday season I thought that together we might try something similar.

I would like us to pray for one another.

If there’s something you would like someone to say a prayer about, leave your prayer request in the comments section below. Share as little or as much as you’d like. (And remember that you can always do so anonymously, by simply logging in with a fake name and/or email address.)

There’s one condition for your leaving your prayer request: You must leave a reply to someone else who has done the same, telling them that you will pray for them.

You can leave a message that you will pray for as many others as you’re moved to, but you must pick at least one other person to pray for. (Ideally, you would first pick someone whom no one else has yet chosen: I don’t want anyone left without anyone to pray for them. 🙁 ) You are of course welcome to choose to pray for as many as you might.

Prayer is a serious thing, so if you say you’re going to pray for someone you can’t not do it.

Of course it’s up to you what constitutes a prayer. It doesn’t have to be a God-centered, Christian, religion-specific style prayer. Whatever your version is of sending love to someone totally works.

So at least one person will say a prayer for you, and you will say a prayer for at least one person.

Then at 9 a.m. PST on Wednesday, Nov. 22—the morning of the day before Thanksgiving Day—I’ll write and publish my group prayer for us all. If you’re free to come to this site at that time and pray with me for all of us, that’d be awesome. It’d be great to know that out there, as I’m being with that prayer as I write it and after I publish it, you are joining me in that experience. (In fact, I’ll start praying over the requests and the writing of my public prayer starting around 8 a.m. that morning; I would especially appreciate your prayers during that time.)

And then each of us, knowing that we have prayed for someone, and that someone has prayed for us, will go thusly fortified into the holiday season.

Thanks ahead of time for those of you who participate in this.

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