Hagel: Right Man for the Job

Hagel: Right Man for the Job January 8, 2013

Senator Hagel with Doug & Dee Johnson, fellow Nebraskans. Doug served with my father in Vietnam.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) would undoubtedly complain if Jesus Christ himself was singled out by this administration for a job. Jesus, I’m sure, wouldn’t be mainstream (read conservative) enough for Mr. Graham.

Graham is pitching a hissy-fit over Obama’s  selection of former Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. Graham took to the airwaves on Sunday ranting that Hagel is an “in-your-face-pick” by Obama. Graham said Hagel would be the “most antagonistic secretary of Defense toward the state of Israel in our nation’s history.”

Graham’s inflammatory accusations are unfounded in fact, but while we are on this subject, this country needs to rethink it’s position on Israel. Our blind allegiance to Israel is based upon bad theology. And considering that most Americans aren’t practicing Christians  to begin with, why should our national policies be rooted in a misplaced application of Scriptures? It’s about time somebody in DC started questioning that.

Graham also pointed to Hagel’s record on Iraq.  “I’ll have a hard time voting for anybody to be Secretary of Defense who believes the surge was a foreign policy blunder,” Graham said. He was referring to Hagel’s sharp criticism of former President George W. Bush’s decision to surge the troops in Iraq.

Shouldn’t the thing Graham be upset over is that we got into war in Iraq the same way we got into war in Vietnam –political lies. Something Hagel, a Vietnam Veteran, is understandably vocal about.

As part of my work with veterans, I have worked with Senator Hagel. He is widely-respected among the veteran and military communities as the man who gets the job done.

Hagel is a Republican who does his own thinking. Naturally, that sometimes puts him at odds with those who are willing to delegate their thinking — and their votes — in return for political favors.

Hagel is the right man for the job.



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