10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (May 20, 2016)

10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (May 20, 2016) May 20, 2016

1. Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another …

2. Homily for today’s feast of St Bernardino: how to reverence the Holy Name during the Mass and in our daily lives




6. About the St. Benedict Medal.




10. From Bishop Sam Jacobs:

If Jesus found his freedom in his identity as the Beloved Son of God, is not our true freedom also found in our baptism identity as a son or daughter of God? Claim this identity and live out of this identity if you want to be free. The father of lies try to rob us of this identity so that he can enslave us. The Spirit of Truth on the other hand reminds us of our truly identity and freedom.

PLUS: A piece of mine Crux published today: Love, not legal briefs, makes best case for religious freedom

And my NRO Q&A today with Kristina Arriaga, also about religious freedom (and life and love and things).

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