Regarding the Duggars – are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Regarding the Duggars – are you part of the problem or part of the solution? May 26, 2015

Hell’s bells, y’all, I really didn’t want to end my blogging sabbatical and start up writing again on a stomach-churning, blood-pressure raising, angry-eyes note but damnit, the news of the Duggar disgrace continues to unfurl, so – here we are.

I am worried to pieces about the girls who were repeatedly sexually assaulted and who now seem to be little more than flotsam to the very people who scream loudest about family values.

I am pissed as hell at a couple of parents who willfully sacrificed their children on the altars of false piety, pernicious popularity and perverse politics.

I am deeply disappointed by every single word I read lifting up as Christian these warped people who have NOTHING to do with The Way of Jesus.

Houston, we have a problem.

If you happily watched the Duggars on TV, knowing full well that their brand of religiosity was deranged and damning (but hey, it was fun to watch), you might be part of the problem.

If you were entertained by a woman squirting out a gazillion babies and her shenanigans of manipulating them as tools of fame-lust, you might be part of the problem.

If you delighted in the Duggar’s cult-like clan as a laudable example of Christian family values, you might be part of the problem.

If you believe their darkly ironic (and false) message that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are abusers of children, you might be part of the problem.

If you somehow still swallow the fetid lie that the these parents (a man and woman who are accomplices to CRIMES against their own and other people’s children) are just misunderstood, good Christian folk, you might be part of the problem.

If you’re busily twisting your brain into morbid balloon animals to explain away sexual abuse and incest, you might be part of the problem.

If you think politicians and pundits defending these criminals are courageous, you might be part of the problem.

If you have nasty names for neighbors who are exposing the hypocritical depravity of the Duggars, you might be part of the problem.

If you condescendingly reproach friends who call for the abuser and his accomplices be held accountable for their crimes, you might be part of the problem.


And truth be told, if I’ve just been waiting out my sabbatical to blog about the next steaming pile of horse shit erupting with the maggots growing fat off society’s excrement, then I might be part of the problem.

As much as I might want to keep being the snarky, angry blogger, I’m concerned about the toll it’s taking on my soul. I am worried to death about being part of the problem, rather than the solution.


Today, right now, I am choosing to be part of the solution rather than an ambulance chasing, click-whore blogger who profits off of (and sometiems perpetuates) the suffering of others.

The good news is, we can all be part of the solution. In the case of the Duggars and in the presence of others who’ve suffered sexual abuse we can:

RADICALLY OPEN our hearts.

ACTIVELY LISTEN to the stories of the abused.

GENTLY ASK how we can help.

WORK HARD to learn about survivor resources in our communities.

REPEATEDLY DEMAND that all abusers face the consequences of their actions.

DILIGENTLY SEEK to stop the cycle of abuse.

And if we really want know WWJD –

We must FAITHFULLY STAND on the side of the least of these and TIRELESSLY SPEAK truth to power all the way to the cross. And beyond.



PS – From this day forward, I vow to do my dead-level best to LOOK FOR the helpers rather than being an ambulance chasing, click vampire shining a light on the destroyers.

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