Gospel Inspiration for Your Yes–Your Yes for 2015: Day 14

Gospel Inspiration for Your Yes–Your Yes for 2015: Day 14 January 18, 2015

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Welcome to Day 14 of our “Your Yes for 2015” Adventure. If you’re joining us today for the first time, find the index of all of the days here.

I’ve been praying for the past few days about how I would round out our fifteen day challenge. We’ve done a lot of work over the past few weeks, you and I! I’m not sure how much more I have to say than what you’ve already read.

Fortunately I found my answer for today in the gospel passage for Mass, John 1:35-42. In John’s account, we read about how Andrew and Simon Peter gave their “Yes” to follow Jesus. By following Christ, their own lives and the life of our Church were indelibly changed. Opening their hearts to trust God and his will for their lives that day made all the difference in the world!

This pearl of inspiration is not unique. Most days, in my morning prayer, I find encouragement for my “Yes” that day. God always provides… I just need to be paying attention to “hear” his message for me.

Today, I thought I would share just a few thoughts on applying the power and purpose of the Gospel to your “Yes” discernment. Some of this will be review for you, but I encourage you to share your own wisdom with me too if your process varies from mine. A few ideas:

  • Read and pray over the daily gospel each day. Take five minutes to read it here. Find additional help here.
  • Keep a Gospel reflection journal. Jot down a few thoughts each day on what you “heard” as you prayerfully read the gospel passage. Reflect with purpose on what God is telling you about your “Yes” in the Gospel passage.
  • Share the Gospel with others. If you are impacted by something you read as you begin your day, be bold enough to tell one friend, family member or social media contact.
  • Commit the Gospel to heart. I’m terrible at this! I’ll admit it! Unlike friends who can easily quote scripture, I rely on Google to help me find words. But I’m trying… and I’ll keep trying… because so much of the spirit we need for our worthy “Yes” can be found in the words of the Bible.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. John 15:7

To Ponder:

  • How has scripture helped you to discern the “Yes” you want to give to God in 2015?
  • How can you make praying the Gospel more a part of your daily prayer life?
  • What challenges do you face in sharing the Good News with others? How will you move beyond your comfort level this year in sharing the Gospel with others?

Let Us Pray:

God, your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path! Help us to be in your word, to hear what you have for us in the wisdom of the scriptures, and to be edified by the teachings of our Church about the gospel. Thank you for the holy gift of the Gospels. May we journey ever closer to you by embracing the Good News. Amen.

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