My Video of Time at Blackhawks Championship Parade!

My Video of Time at Blackhawks Championship Parade! June 16, 2010

I recently detailed how miserable my championship experience has been as a die-hard Chicago Cubs, Blackhawks and Bears fan has been. But whatever, because now I’ve not only watched a championship, but I’ve been there too! Enjoy these short videos. Oh, and in the first video I say “I’m here with a half a million of my closest friends….”  That was how many people the city expected to show up. The official number who did show up was 2 MILLION people! It was nuts.

Here is the famous Chicago Theater:

This is partly awesome, partly annoying to what my tax money goes to:

This was me standing in the middle of 2 million people for the rally:

And in this video of the actual parade, it starts getting good at 1:09

Go Hawks!

Much love.

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