Worthwhile Reads: An Eclectic Assortment

Worthwhile Reads: An Eclectic Assortment April 14, 2014

My time has been tight lately, which has cut into the time I spend reading other blogs. From time to time I try to peruse what I’ve missed, and this morning I noticed a number of posts on Homeschoolers Anonymous that I felt I should share.

Make sure to click through!


Part of “That” World, by Abigail

Look at this stuff
Isn’t it neat?
Wouldn’t you think my life’s purpose complete?
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl who has everything?

Look at this shelf
Treasures untold
How many Christian books can one bookshelf hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she’s got everything

I’ve got Bibles and siblings a plenty
I’ve got homework and housework galore
You want jean skirts? I’ve got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

Read the rest!


When Homeschooling Gets Crunchy, by Darcy

So I’m a bit of a hippie.

I believe the popular term nowadays is “crunchy.” I’m a huge supporter of Attachment Parenting, I birthed my babies at home, breastfeed toddlers, harvest my own herbs, make my own house-hold cleaners, have lived off-grid, can milk a goat and make kefir out of the fresh milk. I don’t eat placentas, though. I have standards.

I’m a non-conformist, even among the non-conformist community.

I follow a lot of hippie/crunchy pages and blogs. I have many friends that live this lifestyle, including a great local Attachment Parenting group where I’ve enjoyed hanging out with other parents similar to me.

I’m seeing a movement, a push maybe, toward homeschooling and “unschooling” that is making me feel unsettled.

Read the rest!


50 Shades of Grey or Contemporary Christian Music Lyrics: A Quiz, by R.L. Stollar

Growing up evangelical, I listened to a lot of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). I never understood the whole “rock music causes demons to eat your brain” mentality. But I did understand — to some extent — their point that Christian rock music was just normal rock music with “Jesus” pasted on top. To my friends and I, that wasn’t actually an intelligent critique. It was more a joke, something we all laughed about.

Fact is, my peers and I often thought it was funny that many CCM songs appeared to be sexy romance songs where the “you” was just capitalized so it suddenly was about Jesus rather than a hot piece of man-flesh. And some CCM bands — Skillet, most of all — have lyrics that are so spiritually kinky, even actual kinksters might blush.

So to honor this humorous memory of CCM’s steamy lyricism, I decided to create a quiz where you must identify whether certain phrases are lines from the bestselling erotic BDSM novel 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James or lyrics from Contemporary Christian Music songs. So pull out a pen and paper and keep track of your answers; an answer key is provided after the quiz.

Make sure you don’t cheat. God is watching you. As Phil Joel says about God, “He’s gonna keep the night light on. He’s waiting there to receive you.”

Or was that something Anastasia Steele wrote in her diary about Christian Grey?

Read the rest!

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