Saturday Link Love: Abortion, Rape, and Go Dog Go

Saturday Link Love: Abortion, Rape, and Go Dog Go July 15, 2017

Saturday Link Love is a feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

My Gynecologist Wouldn’t Give Me an Elective Abortion—So I Broke Up With Her, on Self—“As it stood, my abortion was a personal choice; this was why Dr. Park had vanished from the scene of my health care. I wondered why she hadn’t told me herself.”

9 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for Her First Period (and Make Sure It Doesn’t Suck), on Parents—“Be open, honest, and positive to make this new puberty body change as easy as possible for girls.”

Biography of a Rapist, on Samantha P. Field—“While we were courting and engaged, he would find me in the few minutes between classes and pass me a note he’d written on a 3×5 card telling me how much he loved me, or describing something he liked about me, or saying how beautiful I was.”

An Open Letter to the Female Hat-Wearing Dog From ‘Go Dog, Go’, on The Ugly Volvo—“I bought your book to help my son learn prepositions and adjectives and was, from the first read, inexorably drawn in by your heart-wrenching struggle for approval.”

Why Sally Hemmings Was Not Thomas Jefferson’s ‘Mistress’, on Feministing—“Someone without legal status as a human, subject to constant violent coercion, cannot consent to sex.”

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