Saturday Link Love: Revolution, Propaganda, and Playwrights

Saturday Link Love: Revolution, Propaganda, and Playwrights September 23, 2017

Saturday Link Love is a feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

The Radical Hopes of the Russian Revolution, on New Republic—“Was the October revolution bound to lead to terror? China Miéville’s “October” and Tariq Ali’s “The Dilemmas of Lenin” reconsider the history.”

Do You See Me? on Marci Preheim—“My name is Jane. Actually it isn’t, but my name doesn’t matter. I am invisible. I have been erased.”

Anatomy of a Propaganda Campaign, on Current Affairs—“Looking through the mailers, it’s easy to see where the money went. I am still amazed, whenever I spread them out on my desk, that I am looking at the material received by just one family.”

How ‘white people’ were invented by a playwright in 1613, on Aeon—“The phrase was first uttered by the character of an African king who looks out upon an English audience and declares: ‘I see amazement set upon the faces/Of these white people, wond’rings and strange gazes.’”

Black Liberty Matters, on Niskanen Center—“It is precisely in slave societies, confronted with the reality of slavery, that people most acutely perceive the importance of freedom, most clearly articulate defenses of it,  and most passionately demand it.”

A conservative Christian and a lesbian: In memoir, Amber Cantorna tells about being cast out, rediscovering herself, on Denver Post—“I was raised in Focus on the Family. My parents really thought, ‘If we just keep her in this Christian bubble, we’ll keep her safe from the outside world.'”

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