April 30, 2020

The pandemic is playing havoc with the supply chain in poor countries. My friend Fausta Nalubega writes from Uganda: Urgent need of help for Food � ��� We always get more than 20 people asking for food at @MercyForLife Africa gate , we give out food daily depending on the donations we gate and we wish to help more people starving Incase we get more donations ��� More people are getting food through your kindness and generosity , today on NTV news you... Read more

April 29, 2020

“Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? (Mal 3:1–2). It is well-known that one of the common warnings of the prophets is that judgment of God has a quality of... Read more

April 28, 2020

It is a commonplace among conservatives who can’t bear to look in the mirror as they support Trump to say, “Both Sides are the same. Dems are no different from Republicans!” So when Trump says something idiotic for the umpteenth time, the conservative advocate of Both Sides Moral Equivalence can always be counted on to say things like, “We must spend the week carefully carefully parsing what he meant about injecting disinfectant, just as we have spent countless days carefully... Read more

April 27, 2020

As the whole world saw last Thursday, the World Leader of the Cult of the Untutored Genius favored us all with some recommendations from his gut regarding COVID treatments, while a real doctor had to just sit there and take it: Dr Birx is all of us right now pic.twitter.com/EGSUOGlY6l — Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 24, 2020 There are several things notable about this amazing performance.  The most obvious, and the one immediately picked up on by public health authorities... Read more

April 25, 2020

Just a reminder: I lost my main source of income due to COVID. If you like what I am doing and want to help make sure that I keep doing it while feeding my family and not living in our car, please consider becoming a Patron on Patreon! Currently, I am finishing up one book (THE CHURCH’S BEST-KEPT SECRET, out this fall from New City Press), and working on two more (one on the creed and the other a crazy... Read more

April 25, 2020

Something cool for a Saturday morning: Read more

April 24, 2020

Ever since Donald Trump called people marching under the banner of the swastika at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally “very fine people” the MAGA Cult has done what it perpetually does, deny reality and declare he did no such thing.  Somebody tried to deny this reality to the doggedly honest and thorough Deacon Steven Greydanus, which is always a huge blunder.  Here is his reply to that bare-faced lie.  It is fitting that a Catholic deacon so this... Read more

April 23, 2020

Lots of people think the Gnostics of the second century were the Cool Christians, muzzled by the Religious Establishment of the Church. The popular notion with lots of postmoderns is that if Gnostics had only prevailed then we would still have access to the Real Jesus, not some figure encrusted over with Theology, Sacraments, Tradition and Scripture. If you want to really get the hang of the actual picture of things, however, take a good look at the responsible medical professionals... Read more

April 22, 2020

Due to COVID, my primary income source laid me off in late March.  I make a whopping $120 a month writing for Patheos.  And because of my weird non-traditional self-employed status, I can’t seem to convince Washington State that I should be getting unemployment, even though I paid taxes on my job like everybody else. Consequently, I am scrambling to create new revenue sources to feed my family and keep a roof over our heads.  One way to do that... Read more

April 22, 2020

People think I really care about socialism.  So this post will undoubtedly be misread as an expression of that, even though I don’t really care about it particularly.  Here goes anyway. Trent Horn of Catholic Answers has a new book out asking the musical question Can a Catholic Be a Socialist? Trent Horn says no. Right on the cover and everything, which gives the ending away and spoils all the fun. Pope Benedict XVI says: But in Europe, in the... Read more

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