Worth Reading: Encouragement for the Wife and Mom

Worth Reading: Encouragement for the Wife and Mom July 9, 2015

I got the stomach bug my kids had last week. Blech. I really hate vomit. However, being sick has given me plenty of time to read as I’m held up here on my sofa. I stumbled upon several encouraging posts written by my sisters in Christ for all us wives and mommies. If you are looking for something worth reading, check these out:


  • Feeling Beautiful: 8 Things I Learned While Shopping
    by J. Parker from Hot, Holy &
    I just went swimsuit shopping so this one really struck a chord. She offers some great tips in this article! 
  • Who Is My Neighbor?
    by my friend Lindsey Tollefson from The Theopolis Institute 
    This excellent post offers a revolutionary way of seeing and interacting with your children.
    Worth Reading: Encouragement for Wives and Mommies | Mere Breath
  • How Motherhood Is Like the Velveteen Rabbit
    by Emily Wieranga from MOPS
    Honey, you never looked more beautiful! 
  • To the Moms of Little Ones: No, You Can’t Do It All
    by Jessica Smartt from The Better Mom
    So I was feeling super guilty because we started looking for a school to enroll our youngest boys in. I’m a stay at home mom and somewhere along the line, I picked up this notion that a mom who stays at home  should be able to do it all. Color me convicted …
    and thankful.
  • Becoming a Godly Mom
    by Jolene Engle
    A gentle reminder about how our priorities will shape the atmosphere in our homes. 


And remember, Mommies, what you do is very important. It is so much more than merely cooking and cleaning and potty training. You are nurturing the next generation and that is a really big, important job! Don’t forget that God delights in you and your children. He knows your frame and He gave you your children on purpose. Lean into Him when you need strength and energy (and sanity ;-)). Don’t be afraid of letting the dishes and laundry wait until tomorrow. Sit down a read a book with your kids, watch a movie, and eat some raw cookie dough if you dare!  Christ is King, let’s teach our kids how to really party! 



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