September 18, 2013

I’m so excited to introduce you to my brother, Brooks. Not only does he have a pretty awesome name (He’s named after my son!), he’s also one of the greatest people I know: Somehow able to hold faith and reason and justice all together one big metaphorical handful. I admire his courage and his big-hearted, open spirit. It’s about time I hosted his words here. So grateful he was willing to share a little of his story. * I started... Read more

September 17, 2013

On our last day in Guatemala, we return to the community where we spent most of the week. We pull up along a rocky dirt road, where the nearest restroom is a up the hill in a little abuela’s house. We walk down the path to an old, dilapidated former-carpentry school, where children are arriving for music practice. Every Saturday all the kids in the music program gather here at their community’s World Vision music school. They meet in the... Read more

September 14, 2013

Today is our last day in Guatemala. But before I write one more post considering all that we’ve seen and all that I’m taking back with me to the States, I want to share with you some of the posts my fellow blogger/travelers have written about our time in Guatemala. These bloggers are some pretty incredible people. So happy to share them with you.   Zach Hunt wrote about worship and taking communion from the hands of a generous abuela (in... Read more

September 13, 2013

In the concrete block, open air home, where baby chicks run around a cage in the same room as the toilet, and where a lean-to wood and metal shack serves as a kitchen, we gather outside, in between rooms. We sit in a concrete space for a concert. In the least likely of places, beside the muddy ground and the open-air sink where their father was just brushing his teeth moments ago, two sisters, Monica and Dina, pull out their... Read more

September 12, 2013

“Heydi Andréa,” her mother says in the way only mothers can. Those two words, the names she gave her daughter, are said with gentleness but also with expectation. Heydi is six years old and her mother wants her to join the other kids, who are lined up to hit the pinata. Heydi does not want to hit the pinata. She wants to color. If I’d known how much Heydi loves to color, I’d have brought her a box of crayons... Read more

September 11, 2013

I’m interrupting my World Vision Guatemala trip to bring you this One Good Phrase from my friend Rachel Marie Stone. Who better to share a reflection on September 11th, than a writer who grew up in New York. I’m grateful to have her here today.  * I was born in the city of New York, attended New York City public schools, and tended toward that solipsistic New Yorker’s view of the world–as New Yorker cartoonist Saul Steinberg had it, we’re... Read more

September 11, 2013

I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to good enough to earn God’s approval, good enough to earn the grown-ups’ approval. I’ve heard a lot of sermons on how North American Christians aren’t doing enough, aren’t being persecuted enough, aren’t suffering enough. I’ve read a lot of books on how we need to be more radical. I’ve written here about my hesitancy with the phrase “Big Things for God,” as if we can quantify what is big and what... Read more

September 10, 2013

Friends, I made it to Guatemala! It’s been a whirlwind of a weekend. I finished my book and sent it in late Friday night. If you want to know how I felt, I recommend you click on my Facebook page. There was a lot of joy and maybe a couple of tears. I am thrilled to be in Guatemala with World Vision and seven other bloggers who will be sharing their stories on their own blogs and on World Vision’s... Read more

September 5, 2013

Yep. It’s quiet this week. My kid just transferred to a new school yesterday. (Loooong story.) My book is due to the publisher this weekend. And! I’m leaving for Guatemala in, you know, four days. No. Big. Deal. Just wanted to say hi and I miss you and get ready because once I turn this manuscript into the publishing powers that be, the blogging will be out of control. I cannot wait. See you in Guatemala! Love. Read more

August 28, 2013

I know I’m super  lucky, but I actually know Cara Meredith in real life. Like, see-her-every-Wednesday-at-Mom’s-Group kind of real life. Like, sit-next-to-her-at-the-Beauty-and-the-Beast-sing-along real life. Before we ever met, Cara and I had the same job for the same youth ministry. And we both left after having babies and we both pursued writing. And I adore being her friend. She’s smart and funny and warm and I’m so excited to share her with you today. If you haven’t discovered her blog... Read more

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