November 10, 2012

This weekend, Luther Seminary in St. Paul is hosting its eighth annual consultation on the missional church. The theme of this year’s consultation is “On the Road to Emmaus: Missional Church and Global Media Cultures,” and features plenaries and workshops exploring the question, “How are media reshaping our relationships, our world and our commitments to reaching out in love and justice to share the Good News?” (more…) Read more

November 5, 2012

I usually follow the work of Jonny Baker pretty closely. But somehow one of his recent updates slipped past my radar, until I saw it posted on Tony Jones’ blog under the headline “Good News for the Missional Church.” (more…) Read more

November 4, 2012

Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of preaching at The Table, a new emerging worship gathering in East Dallas, Texas, and my topic for the morning was, of course, “What Is the Missional Church?” (more…) Read more

November 2, 2012

There’s certainly no shortage of books on missional church and missional living. And I certainly haven’t been able to keep up with all of the new ones that are coming out just about every week. But it’s not every day that Jamie Arpin-Ricci publishes a new book, so I get excited when that happens. (more…) Read more

November 2, 2012

During my stint as communication director for a large evangelical mission organization, I spent a good bit of time developing a theology of communication and its integral role in mission. What I began calling at the time “kingdom journalism” consisted of telling stories that described the mighty deeds of God. What was God up to in the world? Who were telling those stories? (more…) Read more

October 30, 2012

Jeff Mangum has written a short and simple article for Verge Network, outlining three ways to be missional on Halloween. His three suggestions? (more…) Read more

October 24, 2012

I recently finished reading Phyllis Tickle’s new book Emergence Christianity: What It Is, Where It Is Going, and Why It Matters, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Jonathan Brink, my co-conspirator in TransFORM Network, quoted for his “State of Emergence 2011” post from the Emergent Village blog. Tickle calls TransFORM, “a missional-church body within the ethos of Emergence Christianity.” Fair enough. That sounds good. Later in the book (in chapter 17, to be exact), Tickle describes “missionals” (people engaged... Read more

October 24, 2012

According to David Fitch, this weekend is either the fifth or sixth year of hosting the Missional Learning Commons in Chicago. The theme of this year’s MLC is “Cruciform Leadership: Paradigms & Practices from the Missional Frontier,” and the cost is only $20. The event is being held on the campus of Northern Seminary, where Fitch teaches, and is co-sponsored by the Ecclesia Network and the new Missio Alliance. There are apparently a few more spots available, so if you’re... Read more

October 23, 2012

Tripp Hudgins launched his new show “Busted Stuff” on Sogo today with a conversation about “abundant life” and the anxiety many (especially those in the mainline) are feeling about denominational decline and the rise of the religiously unaffiliated (“nones”): What do you think about Tripp’s suggestion that the traditional way of doing church may need to be broken and shattered? Read more

October 12, 2012

Earlier this year, Tim Suttle conducted a survey of pastors and theologians by asking them all the same question, “What is the chief political concern of the Bible?” He posted their responses in an article on Huffington Post and on his Paperback Theology blog here at Patheos. Here are just some of the highlights from that compilation: N.T. Wright, New Testament Scholar at University of St. Andrews: “The chief political concern of the Scriptures is for God’s wise and loving... Read more

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