
Pimps-R-US February 3, 2011

So here’s the latest at Planned Parenthood and another well documented expose by Live Action. (You still can’t get mani/pedis or parenthood at PP, but you can get advice on how to traffic minor girls.) In this one, an office manager at PP not only offers to assist a pimp and a prostitute in getting STD treatment and abortion for the minor girls they “manage,” but she also gives them advice on how to run their business. When asked what the “girls” can do during the two weeks after an abortion when they can’t have vaginal intercourse, the manager promptly responds: “Waist up.” They can also be “that extra something that walks by.” You get the sense that she’s done this before and that she’s not repulsed by it all. She’s even got a handout ready for abortions on girls who are exceptionally young.

Planned Parenthood fired her. But their response was to go after the activists in a convoluted press statement.

“When Planned Parenthood learns of an operation that exploits young women, we vigilantly work with law enforcement authorities to uncover and stop this abhorrent activity,” said Stuart Schear, PPFA vice president for communications. “Planned Parenthood’s top priority is the health and safety of our patients and the health and well-being of women and teens across the country, and we have been in contact with federal and local authorities to identify the persons involved in these visits.”

Well, Planned Parenthood is one such organization. If they truly believe that Live Action is endangering the lives of women and girls and that their employee(s) is not, then why fire her?

This is not the first time that Planned Parenthood has been exposed. In addition to the numerous Live Action undercover investigations, Mark Krutcher recorded calls to over 800 PP clinics in which an actress pretended to be a 13-year-old impregnated by a 22-year-old. Consistently, the “girl” was told that she couldn’t tell PP the age of her boyfriend and she was further instructed as to how to schedule an abortion.

In every one of our 50 states, a 13-year-old having sex with a 22-year-old is a felony. It’s called statutory rape. If any adult becomes aware that this is taking place or has taken place, they are required to contact law enforcement. Ask any teacher, coach, pastor, etc. There’s nothing secret about their obligation to protect children and report to law enforcement.

It was specifically this aspect of the law that prompted Kansas DA Phil Kline to go after abortion clinics that had allegedly performed abortions on girls as young as 10-years-old.

We keep seeing the same story at Planned Parenthood: a willingness to break the law and to endanger the lives of young girls by maintaining silence in face of a abuse. It’s starting to sound like it might be time for a congressional oversight hearing, especially since Planned Parenthood gets almost $400 million in tax payer dollars.

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