Clinton Campaign uses White Noise to Make Fundraiser Speech Inaudible for Reporters

Clinton Campaign uses White Noise to Make Fundraiser Speech Inaudible for Reporters April 8, 2016

An interesting bit of information was delivered to the Bernie Sanders campaign email list this afternoon.

Last night, apparently, Clinton had a special fundraiser speech that would cost interested persons a pretty penny to listen in on:

Last night Hillary Clinton hosted an outdoor fundraiser in Colorado (a state that already caucused) where “Event Chairs” could bundle $27,000 and “Champions” contributed $2,700.

But a crazy thing happened when she got ready to speak. Her campaign actually “turned on a static noise machine” pointed at the press so they couldn’t hear what she was saying to the financial elite in attendance.

Check it out:

So much for transparency.

Meanwhile, Sanders continues to outshine Clinton in popular support as measured by small individual contributions having received over 6.5 million individual contributions from 2 million+ donors.

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