An Open Letter to the Adulterers Outed by the Ashley Madison Hackers

An Open Letter to the Adulterers Outed by the Ashley Madison Hackers August 20, 2015


By now you’ve undoubtedly heard that the “affair website” Ashley Madison has been hacked.  

The site (which has the catchy motto: Life is Short.  Have an Affair.) claimed to have 38,920,000 members.  These members were promised that the site would keep their identities secret.

According to the site, if you wanted to cheat on your spouse, you should be able to.  They’d help.

Recently, however, hackers targeted the site, threatened to release millions of these adulterers, and then — in one dramatic data dump — did just that.  Many people who thought their misdeeds would never see the light of day now have their personal information — including what types of activities they like in the bedroom — on national websites.

Here’s my advice to all of these people.

Be thankful.

Ashley Willis wrote a blog post called “Why Getting Caught is a Good Thing” that says, “The TRUTH always makes it way to the surface.  God designed it that way, so we can walk in His truth and love.”

Take this opportunity to assess your life, your marriage, your relationship with God.

Are you where you want to be?

You don’t have to live your life in secret, in the shadows, hoping you won’t get caught.  This is a chance — a divine opportunity — to come clean, to confess your sins, and to start anew.  The invitation is for all of us… even Ashley Madison account holders.

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