October 23, 2015

The body manifests in many different shapes and sizes and colours. There are female bodies, male bodies, intersex bodies, modified bodies, disabled bodies, ebony-coloured bodies, tattooed bodies, scarred bodies, ivory-coloured bodies, pink bodies, caramel-coloured bodies, chocolate-coloured bodies, hairy bodies, smooth bodies. Read more

October 9, 2015

The Blues originate from a particular cultural and social history unique to Black people. Yes, the musical form was a fusion of European folksong and African musical and folksong techniques - but the emotion underlying the Blues was something special, and the characteristic musical style of the Blues (the blue note) can be traced back to Africa. Read more

October 7, 2015

In my experience, magical polarity can be created by any pair of opposites. Inner and outer, up and down, spirit and matter, lover and beloved, dark and light, masculine and feminine, camp and butch, air and earth, water and fire, and so on. And each pair of opposites is unique and cannot be mapped to other pairs of opposites. Read more

September 30, 2015

What many commentators miss is the power differential in cultural appropriation. People forget that we are living in a postcolonial world, where non-European cultures are still routinely dismissed as “primitive”, “backward”, reactionary, and hidebound by tradition, and European culture is presented as the norm, and an ideal to live up to, despite its over-consumption, cycle of boom and bust, and exploitation of other parts of the world in order to maintain the expensive western lifestyle. Read more

September 29, 2015

What if a woman’s voice is the tree falling in the forest? What if women's voices come together to weave another forest? Read more

September 22, 2015

Could it be time to introduce some qualifying adjectives to indicate what level of racism we are actually talking about when we call someone out for racism? Read more

September 17, 2015

Alan Moore has profoundly influenced the direction of both mainstream and literary comics... plus, he's a magician and a worshipper of the snake god Glycon. A review of the recent Moore biography MAGIC WORDS by Lance Parkin. Read more

September 15, 2015

According to CG Jung, there are three levels of symbolism: personal, cultural, and universal. Personal symbolic associations are not “wrong” or “incorrect” – but they don’t necessarily have any meaning for anyone else, unless they happen to share those associations. Poets and novelists often make use of personal symbolism to create new and interesting metaphors and imagery in their poems and stories. Read more

September 14, 2015

The subject of group dynamics is complex, but one way of observing group dynamics is to ask the simple question, “Where does the power go in the group?” In other words, who is wielding the power? In many groups, there is an elected or appointed leader. In most churches, the minister is officially the leader – but woe betide her or him if they upset the committee. In Wiccan covens, the leader is usually the high priestess. In a Druid... Read more

September 12, 2015

Learning is a collaborative process between the teacher and the learner. It is not the case that the learner is an empty bucket that the teacher fills up with facts; rather, the teacher and the learner discover and elaborate the existing skills of the learner . This is especially true of magical and ritual skills, which are often extensions of existing abilities. Read more

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