Ansel Adams & John Muir Book Collection can be yours …

Ansel Adams & John Muir Book Collection can be yours … January 1, 2012

A very generous friend donated several books of Adams’ photography for the lending library at the Hospitality Kitchen on Skid Row, two books on John Muir and one other on Baja California. However, they are coffee table books for the most part and quite heavy. So we thought to ask if anyone would like to send an offering for the collection and we will then use that donation to purchase books in English and Spanish for the lending library. If you are interested, please send an email to We would like these to go as a group to save on postage, but we are grateful for your offer.

For links to the books on Amazon, for descriptions, see the list here. These are all used books.

Ansel Adams Classic Images  (hard cover)

Ansel Adams Singular Images  (paperback)

Ansel Adams Our National Parks (paperback)

Ansel Adams by Barry Pritzger   (hard cover)

Ansel Adams Eloquent Light: The Classic Biography (hard cover)

Ansel Adams An Autobiography (hard cover)

Son of the Wilderness: Life of John Muir  (hard cover)

John Muir’s America (hard cover; no dust jacket) (hard cover)

Baja California and the Biography of Hope by Joseph Krutch (Serra Club)  (hard cover)

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