Postcards from the culture wars (1.3)

Postcards from the culture wars (1.3) January 3, 2015

“The number of people in uniform who will knowingly and maliciously violate your human rights is huge.”

“This is how they behave and they justify it through Jesus.”

The more I read from creationists, the more I think they’re not anti-evolution. They’re anti-some crazy version of it their pastor taught.”

Eppur si muove.”

WmBFuckley“While nuttery can be found on the left and right, it is not a bipartisan problem at the national level.”

A man was arrested … after he allegedly lit the front of a church on fire in San Francisco’s Merced Heights neighborhood, in what authorities are calling a hate crime.”

“The Christian Right’s core value, the essence of religious freedom in their view, the hill they’ve chosen to die on, is the right to exclude — to refuse service to certain categories of people, to reject them, to stigmatize them, to cast them out.”

Black people are supposed to solve the problem of racism ourselves in a way that is comfortable for everyone else.”

“We can summon our better angels, and act forcefully, or we can continue to live like this.”

“Saying No was easy, making the man who wanted to hear Yes listen to me when I said No was the challenge.”

Looking at the title of this conference also reinforces my view that Pope Francis – wonderful man that he is – still needs a course in ‘Woman 101.’ And maybe ‘Families 101’ as well.”

“By talking about the humanity of gay and lesbian Catholics and worrying about their place in the church, Pope Francis is openly recognizing them as children of God. After centuries of demonization, that’s a revolutionary act that can’t be undone.”

“The problem was that people who weren’t supposed to preach were preaching, and they refused to stop when they were told.”

“Literally none of the concerns the protesters pretend they care so much about can be addressed by getting a megaphone and a poster of a dissected fetus and setting up camp on the public utility easement across the front of the clinic property, threatening patients and escorts.”

“Don’t start a headline about a business leader ‘Mother of’ unless the third word is ‘Dragons.’

Girls buy stuff from your store.”

“It’s telling how the wage gap works.”

“Change happens, even in the church, but it is slow and bitter.”

“I have a crammed, bursting inbox of ‘truth’ for you if you’re interested in reading, Church.”

“They are in great need of mercy, though they do not know it yet.”

We’re fighting for tradition. … Traditional marriage is within our sphere of activism.”

“Let’s also remember that Andrew Aurenheimer has a very large swastika tattoo.”

“This is about taking responsibility and taking power over one’s own lives I don’t think women are so scared to do that, actually. It might be that the world is scared of women who are doing that.”

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