Meme quotes Donald Trump saying he was an atheist in 1989, but there’s a big problem

Meme quotes Donald Trump saying he was an atheist in 1989, but there’s a big problem March 7, 2016

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Throughout his race for the Presidency, critics have called Trump many things: uneducated, chauvinistic, and even racist. Now, thanks to a viral meme, he has the pleasure of adding “atheist” to the list.

Despite popular speculation and hopeful haters, Snopes ruled the quote to be false.

The Blaze reports more on the verdict:

The quote is attributed to a 1989 episode of “The Phil Donahue Show,” but Snopes noted in a post on Wednesday that the photo of Trump came from an Oprah Winfrey interview, that Trump wasn’t on the Donohue show that year — and that there’s no evidence that the statement is legitimate.

Hateful people have too much time on their hands…

In fact, here is the 1988 Oprah Winfrey interview from which the photo of the “atheist meme” was taken.  You’ll note he doesn’t say anything about being an atheist in this clip.

Trump haters and the liberal elites will take anything that Trump has ever said in the media; cut and paste it to fit their narratives. 

But it won’t work, because the voters are sick of politics-as-usual.

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