As Deep As the Ocean

As Deep As the Ocean July 27, 2013

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The ocean makes a deep impression on me.

I grew up in a place where there were more fields of productive farmland, as far as the eyes could see, with occasional farm buildings, than oceans. The woods and the lakes were great, and cities were amazing, but there was no ocean.

The first time I ever saw an ocean was from an airplane. I became more familiar with the Atlantic Ocean, and visited the Gulf of Mexico. Now I live within easy driving distance, depending on traffic, of the Pacific Ocean.

The ocean is overwhelming. It stretches out from the shore farther than the eye can see. Some days there is no real boundary between the ocean and the sky, making it seem even more endless.

I could watch the ocean for hours. The ocean has its own unique sights, scents, sounds, sensations, and experiences. Its vastness creates space to be quiet and listen.

It is impossible to tame the ocean. It sparkles in the sunlight, and is filled with life. It can turn dark and menacing without notice. It gives us life, and it can take it away.

The ocean connects with me. It is as if there were an ocean in me, mirroring the Pacific. There are days when I am riding the wave, and days when I am almost adrift.

Slowly and surely, the ocean wears away at the shore that the continent pushes into its path. The long, enduring story of our lives is played out each day along the shore. Driven forward, and worn away. It is beautiful in its drama and its simplicity.

We spend time with the ocean’s Depth, and its Depth calls to the Depth in us.

How are you being driven forward and worn away?

Where do you go to be overwhelmed by the Depth?

[Image by cyanocorax]

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