SSF: “The Incredible Marrec”

SSF: “The Incredible Marrec” June 16, 2014

The boys and I managed to squeeze in a bit of fishing this weekend. Once the snow stopped (because Wyoming.)

We didn’t catch anything, though. Well, not yet, anyway. There was a fish that came close to Mark the Third’s line at one point, though. So there’s a decent chance we’ll have caught something by the time the story’s done. Sort of like Marrec:

Returning home from another fishing trip almost empty handed, the story of this 6-minute short centres around seasoned mariner Marrec as he attempts to impress the young boy waiting at the dock, with tales of his embellished ocean adventures.

I sat and stared at the moon shot for a couple of solid minutes, because it’s gorgeous. And because it reminded me of La Luna, and that’s always a good thing. (Also, a great Father’s Day viewing, come to think of it.) I really enjoyed the music, as well, thanks to Prozac Studio’s Jacob Thomas Czech.

But most of all, I loved Marrec’s smile. …which is pretty much as mischievous as Mark’s. There’s just something about fishing that brings out the kid in all of us. Even those of us that are already/still kids.

I’d better head home soon. Just in case we caught anything yesterday.

Attribution(s): All artwork, publicity images, and stills are the property of their respective creators and/or distributors.

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