SSF: “Home Sweet Home”

SSF: “Home Sweet Home” March 16, 2015

HSHPosterI love me a good anthropomorphic tear-jerker. And today’s short film certainly fits that particular bill. (I was reminded of Disney’s animated adaptation of Virginia Lee Burton’s “The Little House” when I first saw this one. Similar in tone and even in look, though not quite as upbeat at the end.)

The story of a house which escapes from its suburban foundations and sets off on an epic journey. Created by the talented Pierre Clenet, Alejandro Diaz, Romain Mazevet, and Stéphane Paccolat, made in Supinfocom Arles during their last year in 2013. Original music by Valentin Lafort.

There’s something a bit travelogue-y about it, , so I’m not always sure that the various scenes fit together to form a strong storyline. But the attention to detail is fantastic, so I don’t really care that it probably runs a bit long. The journey’s the message, really.

I think that’s what the folks at Short of the Week are getting at here:

Narratively, Home Sweet Home is a short that feels like it could benefit from a tighter edit, the pace can be a little slow at times and its probably a couple of scenes too long, but this is somewhat forgiven when you spend its less-engaging moments taking in the meticulously designed environments.

HSHAttribution(s): All artwork, publicity images, and stills are the property of “Home Sweet Home, The Film,” and are made available via a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license.

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