"I feel like Brandon deWilde…"

"I feel like Brandon deWilde…" November 14, 2009

Had a problem with a router and we were without internets for most of the day, but we’re back up and speedy, now.

Predictably, my email was all backed up, and I tried to get through it quickly, but one note made me pause, from reader Mark S., who wrote:

Between Obama not bothering to show up in Germany last week . . . and neglecting to name Reagan or Thatcher (I never thought he’d mention John Paul), and then his “shout out” after the Ft. Hood shootings, and now his DOJ preparing a show trial on the most serious of matters, and his apologizing for America and lying about Bush and Asia, I understand what you meant recently, when you said you felt like Brandon deWilde at the end of Shane. We have a petulant, grandiose child in the White House. Bush, for all his faults, was a man.

He wrote more -about how Obama managed to go to Germany when it was all about himself, last year, and how “infuriating” he found Obama’s bow and speech in Japan and this line in particular: “I know that the United States has been disengaged from these organizations in recent years.”

Mark is right. Obama is outright lying, there. In myriad ways, Bush was actually very attentive to our Asia and Pacific alliances, was swift and generous in aiding Indonesia after the 2004 tsunami (pdf), and -but it got no press- managed to forge an environmental agreement that went way beyond Kyoto:

“…joining five other nations – China, India, Japan, South Korea and Australia — in a new pact that offers a refreshing and effective alternative route to tackling the problem of climate change.”

Last time I checked, all of those countries were in the Pacific. Last time I checked, India, in particular, was loving Bush. And Australia has been a strong alliance in our military coalitions, and elsewhere.

Malaysia says to Obama: Be Like Bush!

Obama certainly does like his straw men; he likes to indiscreetly bash the former president wherever he goes, whether his hammer is weighted with reality or make-believe. And the press, who detested that “arrogant cowboy Bush” and pummeled him every day for 8 years (without the White House declaring “war” on them, it must be said) they will not correct Obama; they seem to rather like the fact that he rewrites history to fit his incredible, ego-massaging script, every time he steps up to a podium.

The truth is whatever Barack Obama says it is, of a particular moment. He is consistent only in his self-referential and endless glorifying, his primping, pursed-mouthed sense of singularity, his boo-hooing about the “mess” left to him and his apologies for America. Mark calls him a “petulant child.” I think he’s just a monster of ego who knows he can say pretty much anything and get away with it, because the press –who spent every last dime of their credibility putting him into the White House– will dance as fast as they have to, to convince America they were right to do so.

Oh, and that botched and ummm…uncopied bow to Emperor Akihito, in Japan? I thought I might be the only person in America unsurprised by it, but Powerline sense the same thing I do:

He means to teach Americans to bow before monarchs and tyrants. He embodies the ideological multiculturalism that sets the United States on the same plane as other regimes based on tribal privilege and royal bloodlines.

Obama is going to show America how to bow, so that we can get it right, in due time. Or maybe he is just really confused about flag-salutes and allegiances?

In Obama’s speech, he also pays some lip service to human rights and human dignity. Because Obama is all about human rights and human dignity. And he digs China, you know that’s true. Somehow I doubt he’ll take China to task for the nightmarish forced abortions that are commonplace over there.

What really happens to a woman who doesn’t have a “birth permit” and has an “out of plan” pregnancy?

The answer is simple and brutal: A woman pregnant without permission has to surrender her unborn child to government enforcers, no matter what the stage of fetal development.

Late-term abortions are problematic, but the Chinese are nothing if not efficient. On one Web site for Chinese obstetricians and gynecologists, doctors recently traded tips in a dispassionate discussion titled: “What if the infant is still alive after induced labor?” ChinaAid provided a translation of a thread regarding an eight-month-old fetus that survived the procedure.

“Xuexia” wrote: “Actually, you should have punctured the fetus’ skull.” Another poster, “Damohuyang,” wrote that most late-term infants died during induced labor, some lived and “would be left in trash cans. Some of them could still live for one to two days.”

Hey, Obama is all about decreasing abortions and stuff. He said so. To the pope. So it must be true.

This is small potatoes, next to the human rights abuses in China, but one can’t help noticing that, Obama’s lofty words about human rights and human dignity aside, in his America, the right to not buy health insurance without being threatened with jail is apparently not a human one. Your dignity? Heh. Right.

I’d forgotten that I’d written the line
about feeling like Brandon deWilde in Shane. I think it must have been a tweet. Either way, here is that ending. You remember the story of Shane, right? Classic American tale of a cowboy who rides into the middle of a town in trouble and takes on the bad guys, until he has to ride out of town again, and as his silhouette grows smaller in the distance, little Joey cries out, “Shane! Shane, come back!”

Ah, You Tube:

Btw, KSM will be given a civil trial in NY, but Bomber of USS COLE will be tried in mil tribunal. What, you expect consistency? Here is your consistency: the KSM trial is meant to indict Bush and Cheney, and America.

Bush remarks on Human Rights and China
Mark Steyn
Gateway Pundit: Dick Cheney Don’t Bow
Protein Wisdom: Reagan Don’t Bow
Althouse: It’s not hard to find instructions on bowing in Japan
American Digest: is Obama contemptuous of US?
J’s Cafenette: The Undeniable Bow
Wizbang: Not ready to lead (well, he wants to rule…)
Malkin: Holder’s Conflict of Interest
Musings: and their meanings
Baldilocks: Sand in the Tent
Jules Crittenden: Those who reinvent history
Climate Bills’s Emergency “provisions” Give Obama huge power
Insty: Obamacare in Canada
The Needs of Obama: outweigh others

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